Chapter 1: The Necromancer's Employment

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Chapter 1: The Necromancer's Employment

Chirp chirp chirp!

As the faint sound reached him, the half-asleep Gu Xi opened his eyes.

Pinching the stone in his hand, Gu Xi looked towards the dark corner of the cell, where a skinny rat was sticking its head out.

In the direction the rat was heading, some crushed black bread lay on the ground.

Lifting his right hand lightly, Gu Xi focused intently on the rat's movements.

Just as the rat darted forward, Gu Xi swung his arm, and the stone struck the rat's head.

*[Killed rat (small animal), gained 0 experience points!]*

Gu Xi ignored the fleeting information before his eyes. With unimaginable speed, he grabbed the rat killed by the stone.

"What's that noise?"

Footsteps came from outside the cell. Gu Xi pressed the dead rat against his body, leaned into the corner, and pretended to sleep with his eyes closed.

Two men in black robes and hoods hurriedly approached the cell door. One of them glanced at Gu Xi in the corner and said viciously.

"Kid, if you want to die early, just tell me directly, and I'll send you off right now."

Gu Xi didn't even lift his head, lowered it further, closed his eyes, and acted as if he hadn't heard them, ignoring the shouting men outside.

Meanwhile, his hands behind his back didn't stop moving. Holding the dead rat in his left hand, his right hand made a grabbing motion towards the rat. A small pale white light cluster emerged from the rat's body.

*[You have completed the soul extraction ritual, obtaining soul fragment*0.1]*

"Got it," Gu Xi thought, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

Seeing his smile, the two men outside grew even angrier.

"You're still smiling, doing it on purpose! Open the door, let me cut this guy to pieces." One of the men shouted as he drew his sword, looking for the key to rush in and teach Gu Xi a lesson.

The other man, realizing the urgency, quickly held him back.

"Forget it, he won't last long anyway. No need to lower ourselves to the level of this human sacrifice."

Gu Xi didn't pay any attention to this. By now, nine identical soul fragments had swiftly appeared in his hands.

This was the result of his self-rescue efforts over the past period.

Gu Xi was a player from a world where gaming was a way of life. Recently graduated, he hadn't completed his job transition, so he was still a newbie.

However, his job direction had been decided back in college: Necromancer.

He entered this game to complete his job transition task.

On the first day in the game world, before even understanding his task, he was knocked out from behind and thrown into this pitch-dark cell.

In this lightless place, Gu Xi had no idea how long he'd been imprisoned.

All he knew was that occasionally someone would throw some black bread inside to keep the prisoners from dying.

Other than that, no one cared.

To save himself, Gu Xi tried many methods.

But because he was captured as soon as he arrived in this world, he had no materials on hand.

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