Chapter 65: Promotion and Response

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Chapter 65: Promotion and Response

Luyongchang circled around Guxi, continuously talking about the advantages of Darkwind Academy, clearly wanting Guxi to stay at Darkwind Academy, even if it was just as a graduate student.

However, Guxi was unwilling to do so at this time.

When Luyongchang stopped, Guxi directly said, "Dean, I am a student who walked out from Darkwind. I originally belonged to Darkwind Academy. No matter where I go in the future, I will always demand myself as a student of Darkwind Academy."

"Good, truly a good student of Darkwind. Who was it again? Right, Manxuebo, prepare for a graduation and award ceremony. We need to publicize that our Darkwind has produced a dragon."

Luyongchang pointed at the necromancer from earlier and directly gave the order.

At this moment, the necromancer's face was stiff, "Dean, that..."

"What's wrong, can't it be done?"

"No, it's just that most of the students from this batch have already joined various guilds. Inviting them back for the ceremony and rearranging the rankings will be very troublesome."

"What's so troublesome about it? Just tell them we have three divine skills this time and ask if they want to switch people."

Luyongchang said domineeringly.

At this time, Guxi quickly stepped forward, "Dean, there's no need for such trouble. I've been delayed coming out. It's normal for my classmates to be eager to get their diplomas and not wait for me.

However, the comrades of the Rising Sun Guild were willing to wait for me, which I acknowledge. Therefore, I don't want to switch guilds. Dean, just help me adjust the ranking and give me the reward.

When it's time for external promotion, I think with my achievements, getting the top position shouldn't be a problem."

"Of course, if the three divine skills can't make you the top, then what can? Rest assured, this year's top position is yours.

You go get this year's top reward..."

Pointing at Manxuebo, Luyongchang thought for a moment, "This year's top reward has already been given out, right? Now taking it back wouldn't be appropriate, but the top reward can't be lower than the second place.

So, go get a reward that's one level higher than the top reward that was given out. Also, have the administration bring over the top battle flag and championship ring. The previously given ones are canceled.

Notify all the guilds that the ranking of the students they took will be pushed back by one.

We will exclusively give..."

Guxi knew the dean still didn't recognize him, so he immediately introduced himself, "My name is Guxi."

"Guxi, good name. We can promote it as Necromancer... Necromancer's Breath, yes, Necromancer's Breath."

Luyongchang was pleased with his idea, "That's it. I will arrange for the administration to conduct a special promotion. You..."

At this point, Luyongchang paused again, turning his gaze to Lixinghui, "By the way, your Rising Sun Guild will also participate. You have struck it big this time."

"Not at all, not at all, it's our good fortune."

Guxi and his two companions were politely smiling there, while Manxuebo was sweating profusely.

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