Chapter 66: Chief Battle Flag and Champion Ring

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Chapter 66: Chief Battle Flag and Champion Ring

The Blood Sea Conference Hall of the Minggu Academy of Bonewind, Gu Xi, who had just changed into new clothes, was sitting aside waiting.

Standing next to him was Li Xinghui, who looked very excited.

While waiting for the separately prepared graduation ceremony, Li Xinghui had already reported this matter to the senior management of the Zhaoyang Guangmang Guild.

Several high-level officials of the Zhaoyang Guangmang Guild couldn't make it due to various reasons, but they all sent messages emphasizing that Gu Xi should feel at home with the Zhaoyang Guangmang Guild.

So, since the Minggu Academy of Bonewind moved the graduation ceremony to the largest Blood Sea Conference Hall, Li Xinghui had been helping Gu Xi, introducing the various situations in Bailian City.

Through Li Xinghui's introduction, Gu Xi could see that this time Minggu Academy of Bonewind planned to widely publicize his achievements.

This time, seven of the top ten guilds in Bailian City came, including representatives from the administrative and military systems of Bailian City, and most of the major families in Bailian City also attended.

It can be said that the Minggu Academy of Bonewind put forth all its effort this time.

However, Gu Xi noticed that among the visitors, some people did not have a good attitude toward him, and their gazes were somewhat hostile.

"Comrade, who is that?"

When there was some downtime, Gu Xi secretly pointed at the person who was hostile towards him.

Li Xinghui smiled when he saw it, "It's nothing, they are members of some small guilds in Bailian City, and some are rivals of our guild. Their looks are quite normal."

Gu Xi understood the situation upon hearing this.

Facing those hostile gazes, Gu Xi stared back straightforwardly.

This action made Li Xinghui laugh heartily.

Soon, the preparations at the Minggu Academy of Bonewind were completed.

President Lu Yongchang personally led the stage, followed by several pale-skinned women carrying the rewards.

When these women took the stage, Li Xinghui couldn't help but say, "Wow, the president brought out the Vampire Honor Guard. My comrade, you are really in for a treat this time."

"It's okay."

"What do you mean, okay? You are underestimating it. These vampires are the president's treasures; he usually doesn't let them out of his room. This time they are here because of you."

While Gu Xi and Li Xinghui were chatting, Lu Yongchang had already stood at the center of the award stage.

"Today we invited everyone to explain one thing to all in Bailian City. This year, the Minggu Academy of Bonewind produced a dragon. The previous graduation rankings are invalid and will be recalculated."

As soon as Lu Yongchang finished speaking, the audience began to discuss fervently.

They had received some information when they arrived, but Lu Yongchang hadn't provided detailed explanations.

Now, Lu Yongchang mentioned the academy produced a dragon, which caught everyone's attention.

Seeing the audience's reaction, Lu Yongchang proudly continued, "Let me introduce to you our academy's top graduate of this year, who has mastered the Death City at the beginning, the Breath of the Undead, Gu Xi."

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