Chapter 4

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Heeseung's pov

The light breeze caressed my face as I got comfortable on the torn and tattered couch. I was on the school rooftop alone, and surrounding me were some old furniture that the school never properly threw away.

Coming here every once in a while allowed me to clear my head because no one ever thinks to come up here, despite the door always being unlocked. I was waiting for Sohyun's class to end because I told her earlier that I'd tutor her today.

So while waiting, I came up here to get my mind off things— things like Sohyun calling me an annoying f*ck.

I heard the rooftop door click, startling me. I expected it to be a janitor, but it wasn't. Luckily, a huge old shelf was blocking me from the duo. It was Jungwon and Sohyun.

Their classes must've ended. They walked towards the ledge, and admired the bird's eye view they got from up here. My eyebrows knitted together now because I had asked Sohyun to text me once she was done earlier so we could meet up at the library.

Here she is now, trying to get closer to a boy she's been stalking behind his back. I observed them for a while, and I was surprised when Jungwon rested his arm on her shoulder.

It was my first time seeing Jungwon show some intimacy towards a girl. Miraculously, the girl happend to be one of his best friends too.

I didn't want to waste my time waiting for her supposed text she was going to send me. She would've never bothered to do so, knowing how much she hated the idea of me tutoring her.

I called her, walking towards them.

“What, since when were you here?”
Sohyun looked shocked when she saw me.

“Hey, what's up? Didn't know you came here too”
Jungwon removed his arm from Sohyun and didn't think much of it.

“Yea, I was here before both of you came in. I'm here because she has a tutor session planned out with me”
I pointed to Sohyun.

“Oh, right! Go ahead, I'm staying up here a while longer. I'll see you guys tomorrow”
He replied, waving to us.

I walked off, Sohyun trailing behind me. We walked down the stairs, no one daring to break the silence. I pushed open the library door, waiting for her to enter first, but she suddenly closed it shut.

“If you hate me, say it to my face, Heeseung. Don't go around bothering me like this and disrupting my plans with others”
Her voice, painted with anger.

“I directly told you to text me after class, but you didn't. You decided to hang out with Jungwon when you knew I was waiting for your message. What if I wasn't on the rooftop? You would've played dumb, wouldn't you?”
I asked in a serious tone

“I never agreed to this in the first place!”
She argued back.

“You're mom entrusted me with this, do it for her, not for me. It’ll take at most an hour anyway”
I tried to reason out with her.

She exhaled a frustrated breath, closing her eyes to regain composure.

“Fine, but if you start acting cocky while you teach me, I won't stop myself from leaving”
Sohyun replied, finally entering the library.

Luckily, there was a vacant table we could sit at. We took out the materials to get started. I told her we were doing bio today since it was a class I sat beside her in, so I roughly knew her standards.

I started asking her some questions to check her understanding just to make sure I don't repeat things she already knows, and get her to improve instead.

I asked Sohyun to take out an assignment we previously did, and looked through her mistakes to find out her weakness.

“We could work on your phrasing more. Your key points are there, but phrasing it well is important to help you score”
I told her.

I gave her some questions to do in her notebook, and I guided her through it easily since she had every point memorised already.

“Be specific, which valve relaxes and which one contracts. Avoid being ambiguous in your answers, okay?”
I told her in a softer tone.

She hummed in response, and edited her answer accordingly. We completed a few questions, and she was getting the hang of it without a problem. I let her try a commonly tested essay question on her own as the last task of the session.

I then realised she was stuck, and was struggling to continue writing her explanation.

“Um, how do I insert the point about the thickness of the muscular wall?”
Sohyun slowly pushed the notebook towards me so I could see her answer.

“You should've added it before this sentence. It'll flow better”
I analysed her wording.

“Oh, thanks”
Sohyun focused back on answering.

I went on my phone for a while to check for new notifications. However, I could see from my peripherals that Sohyun was distracted. I looked up to see what she was eyeing, but only saw a female student.

“She looks like she's new here. Have you seen her before?”
Sohyun tapped my arm.

I said shortly.

Then again, I don't pay attention to who is in my classes enough to know whether she's new or not. She could've been passed by me multiple times, and I wouldn't have known. A female teacher was walking with the mystery girl, giving a tour of the library.

“You have a question to finish. Don't get distracted”
I reminded Sohyun and she listened.

She finished up her last few sentences and passed on the notebook to me for marking. I ticked all the points that she had, nodding my head proudly. She did it.

“Model answer. Keep it to revise on your own. We're done for today”
I gave the notebook back to her.

She packed up her stuff quickly, and left the library quickly without bidding goodbye to me. She was quick to disappear, but careless to leave behind her water bottle.

I took it, and ran out after her. We're taking the same bus home, so I have no idea what she was rushing for. I caught up to her, and walked alongside her.

“How clumsy are you to forget an entire water bottle?”
I panted, holding up the bottle.

“Clumsy because I don't want to hang around you any longer. Could you take a later bus like you always do? That was the longest I've ever sat with you, and it'll make me sick to be on the same bus as you too”
Sohyun took the bottle from me.

“You're not the only one who wants to go home. Don't be self-centred and always think about yourself alone, Sohyun”
I defended myself.

When I said that, the look in her eyes changed. And it wasn't her usual look of anger that I expected, but she was hurt instead.

Not being close to her enough, I tried to ignore it and looked back down to my phone. I couldn't think of a way to say sorry without tearing down my pride.

We ended up taking the same bus, but sat on very far ends to avoid any interactions. Both of us had our headphones over our ears, blocking out the noise the world brought.

If peace ever comes between us, it would've meant a miracle happened.

Love's Silhouette | Lee Heeseung ♤Where stories live. Discover now