Chapter 16

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(The next day)

Sohyun's pov

I pushed myself to sit up on the bed and realised that Heeseung was nowhere to be seen. I raked my hair back, leaving the bed to see if he was outside. I led myself to the kitchen where my boyfriend was.

“Good morning”
He greeted me.

“You showered already?”
I asked, shocked that he woke up so early.

He hummed, and I sighed. Suddenly, my stomach grumbled.

“Someone's hungry. Wanna make breakfast together?”
He offered.

I accepted, and we started to whip up something simple to at least fill our stomach. After a while of helping out, I felt like it'd be better to freshen up first so I let Heeseung know I was going to the bathroom.

I dragged my feet there, and closed the door behind me. The moment I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my lips parted. I quickly gathered my hair in a single hand, holding it up before inspecting the purple mark on my neck.

I shouted, brushing my hand over it.

In a minute, Heeseung was knocking on the door and coming in to check on me. I turned to him, pouting. I turned my head to let him see the hickey on my neck.

“You got me worried for nothing. It's just a love mark. It'll fade”
He caressed it with his thumb.

“‘It'll fade’. No sh*t, but that'll take forever”
I folded my arms.

“Your hair is long enough to hide it. It'll be fine”
He brought my hair forward to cover it.

“I guess..”
I let out a breath.

Heeseung smiled at me, and left the bathroom to continue cooking breakfast for us while I showered.

15 minutes later

I slapped my forehead, remembering that I didn't bring over extra clothes. With a towel wrapped around myself, I left the bathroom and made my way to Heeseung's room. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me borrowing his clothes.

I opened his closet, browsing through the shirts. The smallest shirt still managed to cover my thighs. I went back downstairs, immediately greeted with Heeseung's surprised face. I went towards him, sitting on the chair opposite him.

“You look fluffy in my shirt”
He snickered.

“It's not my fault. Your shirts are unnecessarily huge”
I complained.

“You look cute. Keep it”
He said.


I tilted my head to the side.

No one has ever described me as cute before. Considering my usual wear, no one would call me that, but hearing it now was making my heartbeat quicken.

Heeseung brushed it off and gestured for me to eat before the food got cold. I could clearly tell he learnt his cooking skills from his mom because it was delicious.

While we were chatting, I heard someone knocking on the front door. I offered to open it, leaving the table to go see who it was. I pulled open the door slightly, eyes widening when I saw the unexpected guest.

His tone was just as surprised.

My voice got softer.

“What are you doing here? And is that Heeseung's shirt you're wearing?”
Jungwon pointed to my clothes.

Love's Silhouette | Lee Heeseung ♤Where stories live. Discover now