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Jayden's Pov

What is hell is happening here in my house I am seeing things or something. What's Emma doing at my place, who let her in my house.
The sight of her make me puke .She is so fake with all the plastic surgeries she had still she is not beautiful and that excessive makeup she  is putting is not helping at all.

Yes I slept with her once like one year ago but since then she think that she is my woman and I love her. I didn't care much about what she says or do with her life but raising her hand and hit Amy, that is a grave sin she has ever committed.
How dare a wh*re like her beat my girl. My girl? since when did Amy become my girl. Well we will get to that later first I need to solve the problem in front of me first.

" Emma what the hell are you doing here." I said sternly. She didn't flinch but I could sense that she got scared.
I didn't give her the time to talk nonsense.

" lock her in a room, don't let her leave I will deal with her later. Understand." Giving order to James my main security guard. Then I tried to pick Amy up , but she winced from the pain that Emma caused  her. "  it's ok Amy, I got you." I pick her up in my arms careful in bridal style and brought her in my room. She is the first girl to enter my room after Edna.

Laying her down on the soft mattress and I call Jack up telling him what happened and he needs to come here as soon as possible. Amy needs medical care urgently. It took him 10 minutes for him to reach here.
Amy has been groaning in  pain all this time.
He took his time to treat her and a half an hour later he came out the room meeting me outside of it.
" Dude what wrong with you. Didn't I told you that you should be careful with her. How can you let this happen again Jay. Please keep the girl out of beating by your wh*re  or let her go." He said with a serious face.

" Have you admit your feelings to your self for her. I see she is in your room. " he commented.
" It's not like that. I just let her be there for now since she is not well." I replied to him.
" Aah ok but if you don't want her, then give her to me. I will make sure no one hurts her anymore. She is beautiful too she will make a perfect wife for me." He said then he smirks at me.
I don't even know what gotten into me I just found myself grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and push him to the wall behind him. " I dare you say that again Jack ! I will seriously   forget that you are my friend all together. Amy is MINE  and I have no plan to share her with anyone." I said with rage of anger took over my whole body.

I heard him chuckling like a f*cking teenager boy who got a kiss from his crush. " Calm down man I was just pulling your leg. But on serious note I hope you can protect her from now on and be happy together or otherwise let her go and leave her alone so she can start her life a fresh."
" I know and I will do it . Don't worry ok. I think... No I know I have fallen for her. I will protect and cherish her all my life."  I answered with a low voice as if I was making a promise to myself.
" ok then I have to go. Make sure she take her medicine on time. Bye."he said and leave for the hospital. I was so grateful to him for taking care of Amy . I'm waiting to see her condition to get better so I can go and deal with Emma. She is lucky we don't hit women but I'm determined to make her life a living hell. She can look forward to it.

Night Of The Same Day.

I'm in my home office trying to get some work done but it's not working. It has been 6 hours since she fall asleep due to the medication and she hasn't wake up yet. I went to gym then come to the office but still no new about her waking or eating. It has me worry for some reason. I feel so guilty cause I couldn't protect her from Emma. I hope she will forgive me when she woke up. And I plan to confess my feelings for her. I  am  praying to god that she will wants to be with me too. Or else I will go crazy.

While I was busy with my thoughts I heard a knock at the door. " Come in." I said. A maid walked in. " Sir miss Amelia has waken and she is looking for you." She said. " OK I will be there soon." I'm glad and happy that she has final woke up and whatever that she wants me to do for her , I will accomplish it without any questions. But if she wants to get out of my life that I can't take. Emma will have more then hell coming for her.

I didn't waste anymore time and went to see Amy in my room. As I enter the room I found her sitting on the bed while holding her legs to her chest putting her chin on her legs rocking herself slowly. My heart was filled with so much anger that I wish I could kill Emma in a cruest way possible but I hold myself back.

" Amy how do you feel.  Should I call a doctor for you. Do feel pain any where." She didn't answer me instead she raised her head and watch me though her tear stained face with puffy eyes. I can't take this anymore.
" Amy love please.... Please talk to me."

It's the first time me pleading someone after Edna death. I can't imagine the pain that she is going through but I hope she won't become distant with me. Yes it is my fault that she is hurting but I pray she will forgive me at least this once my poor baby.I tried to touch her but she flinched and moved away from me. I have to admit it, it hurts me so bad even though I deserved it . it still hurts.
" Sir... Jayden I ..... I'm sorry.... I... I didn't know that ...she was your... woman ... and I didn't say anything about me .... wanting to steal..... you from her. I don't know .... who told her that....  but it is never my.... intention to make her feel like that.... I'm so sorry sir , if it ok ...with you.... I would like leave ...this house because... I don't wants.... to be the cause of problems ... between you two." She talk with so much difficult since she was sobbing a mess right now and I could feel the agony pain in the voice.

" Amy no! Listen to me , you are not at fault here she was. How can she do that to you using me as an excuse. She is just a bad woman with bad manners and personality. You don't have to go any where , she is not my woman as she claimed to be. I never love her as my woman or a lover for that matter." I tried to explain my part of the situation to her. " Really?... She ... She not... your... woman." Amy asked.
" Of cause she isn't my woman Amy baby. She is  just delusional about me wanting her all this time. If there is someone I wants as my woman then it will be you love not her only you ok. Never doubt that." Finally I admit my feelings to her. " Me.... you like me... but that... that can't be... be true... I'm dirty and.... and filthy." She stated out I could feel the disgusting and self hating. Oh god no . I move closer to her and thanks god she didn't flinch or move away from me this time. She stayed still and allow me to hold her in my arms. I sit near her and wrapped my arms careful around her as I hold her in my arms in a hug. Her body become stiff at first for a few moments then she relax in my hold.  " Hey baby you are not dirty or filthy ok . don't listen to her if anything then she is the one who is  both and not you. You're the most pure and innocent girl I ever met. And please don't say that you will leave me. I can't be without you love. So don't leave me ok. " I speak to her softly as I nuzzling my head in her hair while I smooth it with my hand  to her back. She just nodded her head a little to my request. I was not satisfied with that so I said " I'm sorry Amy I know it's my fault that I was not able to protect you. But please forgive me this once and I promise I will love and protect you with my everything. Please... trust me this once please." I pleaded like that to her I don't want her to feel obligated to do what I want but to be honest with me and herself. She raised her head and looked at me like she is trying to read me then she said a little soft ok in a tiny voice and return her head on my chest. She circle her little hands around my torso and started to crying loud with hiccups for like an hour or so, then the cry subside and she still on me. I felt bad the fact that she cried herself to sleep.

I laid down on the bed slowly so that I won't disturb her sleep and found my self sleeping peacefully after so many nights with my love in my arms.

Hi guys!
What do you guys think will happen to them next.

I hope you like the chapter and see you on the next  chapter. Bye.

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