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Jayden's Pov

Today is the 7th day since Amelia encountered the assault. She is still in the hospital and hasn't wake up yet, I'm seriously worried about her she is really pitiful I can't watch this cruelty to continue.

I haven't been able to go to the basement since I was busy at work and after work I'm with Amy all night at the hospital. Her face and hands are still covered by bruises that starting to heal. If I was a little late even by seconds I don't want to think about the horrible things that could happen to her .

Yes I loved Edna so much with all my heart. She was my everything and more. My love,happiness, my queen Edna. But now I feel like Amelia is starting to make her own place in my heart. I will be lying if I say that she hasn't been in my mind cause she is the only thing that occupied my mind all the time.


" Baby I know you are awake. Please get off me." I can feel him smiling on my neck. " Please love I need to go to the office." " five more minutes.please love". He pleaded softly almost like he was whispering.

" You will be gone for a long time. And I can't be myself for that long baby girl. You know I love you too much right. Please love pretty please."

" OK love. But this is the last time. Jay you need to  be able to be yourself."
He smirked and rise his head saying" why would I be alone when you are here with me. There is no way that I will let you leave me."

" I know Jay but you have to learn to live without me in your life love. Just imagine one day I will die or disappear what will you do huh." I told him.
" Edna please don't talk like that please I can't live without you love."
" Neither can I Jay but I want you to promise me something love."
" No I don't want to promise anything about this Edna no!"
" Promise me Jay please love, if I were to leave first-- then please be happy without me --- please find someone and be happy OK?" "No I can't Edna. I would rather die with you then be left alone."
" please live for me and be happy for me mmmh.  Don't worry about me I will always love you my love Jayden."

End of flashback

Why am I thinking about that now. It not like I want to replace Edna with Amelia but is not bad girl and she needs someone who will understand her, care for her but most important is to love her the way she is deserved.

The ringing of my phone bring me back from my thoughts.
" Yes  nick I will be there soon. I'm coming." Please wait for me and get better Amy I will revenge you Amelia.
I promise you that.

I don't know what my heart is doing or plan about Amelia but that will wait first I need to take care of those bastards.

I really can't wait to torture them myself they will  beg for  their death when I'm done with them.

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