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Amelia's  Pov

When I wake up I find myself in a strange room and there was a man standing looking at me. I was scared to be with him in the same room thinking he is one of the clients but to my surprise he just standing there  watching me with pity or sadness in his eyes.

Even my throat was hurting but I couldn't stop myself from asking who is he.
He keep staring at me then starts to come closer to the bed  I was lying on.
The closer he got the scared I became I was afraid he will do something to me they all do it anyways.

" Hey calm down relax I'm not gonna hurt you OK." He said softly.
" I'm the one who bought you here to the hospital. Are you in pain , should I call a doctor for you?." I just shake my head no then he said " OK I'm Jayden by the way." He said that with a smile.

" Jayden"I mattered in whisper while looking at my hands " Amelia. That's my name" I told him after a minute or so.

Then silence fill the room till I asked another question to him again .
" I... Are you... are you ... the .. the .. the next client .. Sir." I ask him with tears strain my checks. If he is here with me doesn't that mean he the another client since there are three more to go right?.

He shake his head denying  by saying" No , of course not I'm not one of those bastards Amelia. I'm here to make sure you safe from them OK."

I just nod my head to him since I can't trust him either. With that I shut my mouth  tightly waiting for the Sir to come and take me back to that hell again.

My whole body was aching and I was so tired in both my body  and  mind. I could feel that my eyes are so sleepy but I can't trust him with me so I was forcing myself to stay awake.

His deep and husky voice broke the train of my thoughts when he said" Go ahead and sleep Amelia you are still weak and you need to rest mmmh. Rest I will be here till you wake up OK now rest Amelia."

With those words I found myself falling deep in the dream land. I had no other choice since I was so tired.

Jayden's Pov

The poor girl was fast asleep on her bed. My mind was thinking of just what kind of the way should I kill that asshole Ricky. Yes we as under world business involved we are not saints or angels either we torture and kill people sometimes but we never touch or torture women like this. How can he do this to her.

Ringing of my phone startle me little cause I didn't wants anything to interrupt Amelia sleep.So I went outside the room and answer the call it was nick.
" what !" I said angrily to him." Boss you are needed here it emergency with the shipment that was suppose to land today"he said in panic.

" You take care of it nick I'm a little busy. " I said being a little irritated.
" Boss you really needed here come now or we could lose everything on the shipment." Said nick.
" OK I'm on my way now . Control the situation as much as you can nick ."
Then I hang up returning to Amelia room she was sleeping peacefully on the bed . I promise  to be here when she woke up but I guess I'm break my promise to her and I kinda hate it . leaving her here alone I have bad feeling about this and somehow disturbing in some way but I left anyways. I told Jack to notify me when she woke up.

With that I left the hospital and I was on my way to the deck where nick and other boys are waiting for me. I hope nothing will happen to her till I return.

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