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Amelia's Pov

The sunlight that come through the room's curtains made me realize that it was already another day. I was still in pain and my body aches all over but that's not what the least of my concern now instead of the nice warmth that surround me and the muscly scent that fill my nostrils and  there is a hard pillow under my head, wait since when did my pillow become this hard. When I tried to move a strong pair of arms hold me in place tightly.OK wait a minute what is going on here. I opened my eyes and to my shock I found my self on top of Sir Jayden chest. I was literally sleep on him. I tried to get out of his hold before he get up but I couldn't. Then like I was in trace and I forgot all that around us , my mission of freeing myself all of it. And I was hypnotized by the beautiful face in front of me. The face of sir jayden. I was already aware of how handsome he was but being this close to him is something else. I haven't been around many boys or man in my life since I was locked in the basement but I can tell one thing for sure Sir jayden is a handsome man. Then a moment later I was startle by his deep morning voice " Are  you done checking me out love."he said with a knowing grin on his face.

The moment those words left his mouth I could feel my face heated and  I become ashamed of what I was doing. " I'm sorry sir.... Jayden. And please let me go." I  said softly looking down to hide my face from him.
" Love there is no need to be shy now. And you can look all you want ,I'm all yours anyway. About letting you go Never I will never let you go, you are MINE love." He replied while emphasis the words Never and mine.
I didn't know what to say back and I found my face becoming as red as tomato. And he just won't stop teasing me he said " I love the way you blush because of me. And how is my baby doing this morning. Any pain? , should we go to the hospital and see a doctor love." " No I'm fine just a little uncomfortable but I'm ok and I'm hungry too." I said shyly. I heard him chuckling and he sit down with me on his lap looking at my face with so much adoration and love that I  never received in my life before.
" let me go make a breakfast for my baby. And Amy love please don't call me sir ok , just me by my name mhm."
I just nodded my head because at that moment I was unable to form any word from my mouth. He kiss me on my cheek then he was on his way out of the room. I touched the place he kissed me , I still can't believe that a man like him will wants to be or love a broken , used and unwanted girl like myself. If this is a dream and not reality then I wish to never wake up.

After  a warm bath I went down to the kitchen and found jayden setting the table for the breakfast. I was amazed about the fact that he can cook because I never saw him cooking before and he made alot of food that could fill me up for a few days without eating anything else. I sit down on the counter stool looking at the mouthwatering food in front of me. " I wish to be the food right now." He said and I was a little confused until he continued. " I would love for you to drool because you wants ME just like that love." I really can't take his teases anymore and it just a first day after he confessed his feelings to me. He had a playful grin on his face.
I couldn't do anything other than blushing hard. " Thank you for the breakfast S... Jayden." I told him.
" It's my pleasure  to serve you love." He replied.

" As much as I want to stay and be with you all day, I simply can't I have to go to the office and work. As for you have your breakfast and don't forget to take your medicine after. I really don't want to hear that you skipped any meal of the day. Ok love." He stated and I just nodded my head in return. " Good, and be a good girl for me till I come back" I said while coming near me , he hold me by my nape and kissed my forehead. " Take care love I will be back later on the evening. " after that he went to his room to prepare himself  so he can go to work. Leaving me eating my breakfast with a smile on my face. Even though I still can't believe that someone like sir Jayden is can love someone like me.

Jayden's Pov

It was very  good morning indeed. I feel good and alive after so many years. I really enjoyed being with Amy and last night she slept in my arms. I was so happy in the morning waking up with my baby in my arms.
Since I have already taking care of my baby now it's time for me to go and deal with Emma. I hope she is ready for what is coming to her way. One thing that I learned about life is that everything we do has it concinqencese and she is about to get hers for hurting my girl. My girl final sound better again after like forever.

Reaching out I call James to give him instructions " I want you and the boys to be alert all the time don't let anyone in without my permission. And put all the surveillance camera connections through my phone. Add more to Amy corridor and balcony and in her room but avoid the closet area. I wants to be able to see everything happening in the house and to my woman. And if you guys let someone or something harm Amelia in any way, then you guys can prepare yourselves to die. Are we clear ." I said in a commanding voice. " Yes Sir. " he replied. Good so be it. I took my car and head to the office first then later to Emma.

That evening I went to see Emma at the where house. She was sitting in the chair waiting for me with 2 guards staying with her in the room.

Entering I so her becoming a little scared. That right be scared cause what I plan for you , you will wish you were dead then alive poor Emma.

" Hi sweetheart. Did you miss me." I said with sarcasm in it while having an evil smirk on my face. God this is going to be exciting and  I can't wait to experience it.

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