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She raps her knuckles against the open doorway, smiling at Wanda when she turns. "Hey." The older says as she takes a step into the youngers room. "You ok?" Wanda shrugs, glancing down at the book she held. 

"I'm used to being told to stay." She responds; glaring at the book like it had personally offended her causing a chuckle to leave Katrina's throat. "I'm sure your book is sueing for mercy." She jests, sitting next to her on the bed.

The corner of Wanda's mouth tugs upward slightly, her glare leaving the book. Katrina grins when she raises her head to give a mock glare. She raises her hands in surrender the grin not leaving her face. "Sorry." Katrina chuckles.

"Vis was out of line.... But he had pure intent." She starts hesitantly, pausing when Wanda starts frowning again. "Kat..."

"No, no listen ok?" Katrina cuts her off.

With a sigh she nods. "Summon your magic." Katrina starts pausing, Wanda nods- the red coming to her eyes in a familiar way. "Now, focus on the entrance of the compound- the gates." Just as she asks, Wanda turns towards the gates in the distance; Katrina sees the moment Wanda senses the agressive energy.


"People are upset, and its not your fault!" Katrina quickly add swhen she sees her glowing eyes turn towards her. "But they need somewhere to place that rage." Katrina winces.

"Sometimes that mean blaming someone with no control." She watches as Wanda shrinks into herself, clearly remembering what happened in Lagos. "Have you seen the news?" Katrina asks, observing the other as she shakes her head.

Without speaking Katrina reaches for the remote, turning the tv onto the news; the screen immediatly flowing with what was currently happening in Vienna. "Oh my god." She whispered.

The young woman nods, staring at the screen.

"Come on." She stand, heading towards the door. "Where are we going?" She glances back at Wanda with a grin. "There isn't only one way out of the compound ya know?" Wanda grins, gabbing her boots and rushing after her friend. Katrina gives her a moment to put on her boots before she starts walking again.

They stop in one of the kitchens to quickly raid the fridge. Katrina flinches when something expoldes outside. "What is it?" They both move closer to the wall of windows glancing outside where something in the distance is on fire. Vision appears from another hall, floating just above the floor.

"Stay here, please." He takes off through the wall. They two witches stand for a moment before a shiver goes up Katrina's spine, Wanda- feeling the same thing turns around grabbing a nearby knife sending it towards the intruder. 

Katrina makes it stop right in front of Clints chest however. "Oh my god!" She gasps, dropping the knife. " What are you doing here?" Wanda asks, the two moving to meet the older archer in the middle of the room. "Disappointing my kids." She frowns in confusion as he shoots two arrows into opposite walls. 

"I'm supposed to go water-skiing. Cap needs our help. Come on." He reaches for their arms, moving towards one of the exits. "Clint!" Vision calls from behind them , coming back through the wall. "You should not be here."

Clint pauses as well turning to the synthezoid. "Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit." Katrina frown at the two, glancing over at Wanda. 

"Please consider the consequences of your actions." Vision pleads, "Okay, they're considered. Okay, we gotta go." He gestures behind the two girls, Vis stuck in some sort of electric forcefield. "It's this way." 

"I've caused enough problems." Katrina frowns at her wording. She moves to one of the wall breaking the arrow. " You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. Shit." Vis moves quickly, punching Clint to the floor. Katrina flinches with a wince. 

"I knew I should've stretched." Clints jokes moving to hit Vision with a baton. The girl runs to Wanda's side. "Wanda this crazy, we need to stay here." She grabs her arm to gain her attetion, but the youngers eyes stay on the two males. As Katrina says that Vision gets Clint in a head lock.

"Clint, you can't overpower me." 

"I know I can't. But she can." He gestures with his head to Wanda, who dissregaurds Katrinas words and was now summoning her magic. " Vision, that's enough. Let him go. I'm leaving."

She paced around him slowly. "I can't let you."

"Vis, don't." Katrina calls, staying where she stood. "I'm sorry." Wanda brings her hands appart. Katrina quickly move forward. "Wanda, no!"

They ignore hre, only looking at each other. "If you do this . . . they will never stop being afraid of you." Wanda glances at Katrina, regret in her eyes. 

"I can't control their fear, only my own." She turns back to Vision, and moves closer. Vision glows from within and crashes through the floor, and several floors beneath. Wanda and Clint stand over the holes in the floors. Katrina doesnt move from were she stands.

"Oh... come on, We got one more stop." Clint gestures towards the door. Wanda glances back when she don't move. "No." Clint turns around too, a frown marring his face. 

"Kat?" She scoffs. "No, I'm staying here." Katrina folds her arms. "Go if you must, but I can't- I-I won't." Wanda takes a step towards her; Clint stops her, grasping her arm. 

"Come on Wanda, Cap needs us." Hesitantly she turns, following after him. Katrina swallows back the lump in her throat. She move to peak down the large hole, using her magic to grasp a hold of Vision down at the very bottom and carefully bring him up again.

"Vis, are you ok?" He groans, sanding unsteady. She moves forward to stablize the sythezoid. "I'm sorry I didn't help." He shakes his head. "Its alright Katrina, thank you." When he stands straight, Katrina step back.

"We must call Mr. Stark." She nods in agreement pulling out her phone.

Calling... Mr. Stark 

After a moment the call goes through. "Whats up Kat?" She looks up at Vis. "Mr. Stark, we have a small issue." They hear a sharp intake of breath over the phone.

"Whats wrong, is everyone ok?" He hurridly askes. "We're fine, but um... Clint and Wanda are going to meet up with Cap now." She say quickly to calm him, and nervously bite her lips when he doesnt respond immediatly.


She furrows her brow glancing up at Vision. "O-ok?" IKatrina repeats. "Ok, You and Vis are going to come join us." As he says that, she hears something over the phone. "What is that?" Katrina frown.

"That? Oh thats the plane getting ready to leave. Stark airlines; ten minutes."

Vision steps forwards, closer to the phone. "Understood Mr. Stark." She reaches down, ending the call. "Ten minutes? Stark airlines is like a fifteen minute drive!" She scoffs, glowering at the phone. 

"But flying there is much faster." Her eyes move up to stare at him. "Oh man, I hate flying with you!" Katrina whines.

"No offense!" He chuckles at her words. "None taken, now we must go."


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤 𝔾𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥// W.MWhere stories live. Discover now