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Riley giggled, she couldn't take it any longer. This mad Val accidentally smear some of the lipstick on her cheek.

"Riley! This is the third time. I'm never gonna be able to get it done at this pace" she replied, smiling.

Her and Riley were having a sleepover, Val was doing her makeup as a challenge. They were trying to see who could do better.

She was becoming just a little frustrated though. Riley had messed her up on a few parts, and made it a bit more challenging to finish some parts, causing her to take a bit longer.

She was glad that she was at least good with patience, this meant that even though she had to restart maybe a few times, she never really got angry. She wasn't either way, it was just a fun little challenge, and with the girl she had loved.

She slowly wiped the lipstick off with her thumb. Getting closer to Riley to be able to apply more. After she was done with it, she held her chin in place as she landed a peck on the lips.

"Alright, I have officially finished the look." She said smiling at the girl

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