- Homecoming -

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Val scrolled through a few web pages, trying to find some ideas on how to ask Riley out to homecoming.

'How to ask someone to homecoming.' Displayed across her search bar before hitting the button as her research soon began.

She sat there for a few hours, finding nothing she liked so far. She sighed before closing out, throwing her phone across the bed, and laying her head in her arms before her in frustration.

She found this harder than she thought it would be, she wanted to ask Riley, but in the right way.

Of course Val had been the jock in the relationship, and Riley was the shyer one. Although neither would like to admit that, they knew. And their friends knew that too.

A sudden idea popped to mind, she brought out her phone before her as she called Dani. Dani always knew what to do in a situation like this.

'V? What's up'

'I need urgent help'

'Dude chill, whatever it is I'm sure we'll be able to figure it out'

Val paused thinking carefully of her words before she responded.

'I-I wanna ask Riley to homecoming'

'Oh you doooo now'

Val obviously became flush by Dani's remark.

'Shut up! But, yea. I don't know how to do it'

'So you need the help of your best friend super badly, you just gotta need me'

Val rolled her eyes over the phone, she just knew Dani would be smirking on the other line.

'Come onnnn darlin, you know you want to admit it'

Dani I'm not playing with you again'

'Oh okay I guess I'll just go than so you don't have to bother'

Val groaned internally at this point before giving in.

'Fine Fine I need you'


'Yeah okay, back to the point what should I do'

'Ok here's what we're gonna do...'
- - - - - - - -

Val stood anxiously waiting for Riley to arrive through the door, obvious nervousness painted as she eyed Dani.

"You've got this man!" Dani nudged her shoulder.

"Everyone's here, they're gonna be watching. What if I mess this up? I'm supposed to be the big, strong one about this." Val whispered.

"Hey, you'll do just fine. I mean cmon, can't be any worse than what Alondra here did." Dani gave a wide-toothed smile, lightly grabbing the poor girl by the shoulder to represent her point.

Val took a big breath, calming a bit. "I'll be fine, just gotta breathe." She more tried to remind herself than Dani.

"There's yo girl Val, go get her!" Dakota set up a ringer of confidence as she gave her a little shove forward.

She saw Riley walking down the hallway, her light blue hair and her gorgeous blue eyes as she looked up at her.

She suddenly felt calmer, lighter as she stepped forward.

"Hey Val!" Riley greeted as she set a light kiss on the jocks cheek.

All of their teammates awwed as they watched from behind.

Riley looked around before chuckling nervously as she took in her view. "Uhh, what's going on?" She questioned.

"Well that'll kinda depend on your answer." Val laughed a little.

She was obviously still a little confused, Val found it amusing before she stepped forward and took Riley's hands into hers.


"Yes?" She asked, now looking back up at her girlfriend and lover.

"I might strike out asking, but will you go to homecoming with me?" She asked.

Riley froze for a few seconds, searching her eyes to make sure this was true before bringing her into a tight hug.

"I would love to be your date! Of course I'll go with you!" She answered.

Everyone started clapping, and their friends were cheering for the couple.

Val took hold of Riley's chin with her hand, caressing it before she leaned in to kiss her softly.

Everyone was cheering for them, roaring cheers as they embraced once more just happy for the couple.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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