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I knocked on the bathroom stall lightly, not wanting to startle her but I knew she was aware it was me by the sight of my shoes and my voice.

"Riley...you in there?" I questioned, but already knew my answer

She sighed before replying "go away,"

"Please let me in, I promise I didn't come to talk you into doing the report. Just to talk" I replied, hoping she would unlock it enough

Next thing I knew, I heard a click, and the door had flung open. Riley stood there with tears in her eyes, and I went in to hug her.

"It's gonna be okay, your okay." I replied soothingly

"I can't do it,"

"You CAN do it. Don't listen to your head. Listen to your heart. I'm here for you, and your family and best friends are here for you. They are all so proud of you, and how far you've come. If you don't feel like doing this report I promise you don't have to, but I'm going to at least say don't give up,"

I kissed her forehead lightly, she looked me in the eyes as she began to smile, and took out the paper.

"I'm ready,"

That was all I needed to hear from her, I then continued to talk.

"I will hold your hand on the way out if that'll help."

"That would, and thankyou V, this was really helpful." She smiled

"Anytime hun, you know I'm here for you," I priced her lips giving her one last hug

We walked out hand in hand, and she killed that interview. We were all so proud of her.

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