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First I'd like to thank anyone who clicked on this book. It means so much to me that you have!

Now, I'd like to point out a few pointers.
1. I wrote this when I was 13-14 years old during Covid, almost half of the book does not make sense (due to misspelling, mentions that are not correct, and some issues). It's simply not fully realistic. This book also has some very cringe-worthy moments, so be aware.

2. The main character, Soah Stella, has anxiety. It is not detailed exactly, but when she first got diagnosed she did have depression and bipolarism looking back at the writing. IF and I mean IF anyone says something like 'but anxiety can't pull families apart' I will delete your comment. It can, trust me. It has happened before from my personal life of friends and myself. And there might be another reader who has gone through that, so be gentle. I do understand that you do not need a pen for anxiety, discard that please. As I said before, there are things that don't make sense.

3. I have noticed that people are not very on point about the main character rarely cussing. That was because during the time that this book was being written, I had only just started with those false words in my personal life. I was a lukewarm christian in that timeframe. Now, I never speak them as I have given my life to Christ a little over a year ago. I wanted this book to be able to be read by all ages without having more influence to cussing.

4. I will not come back to this book and change anything or finish (yes, this is a DISCONTINUED book). The description does say that this book has been discontinued. There are days when I do think if I should delete the book or not.

5. My style in writing has tremendously changed and improved over the last many years that I discontinued writing this book (4-5 years to be precise). I am perfectly fine if you comment something if there's an error or a confusing aspect to the writing, just know that it won't be fixed. My early writing (and sometimes previous writing) does not always make sense. My current book, nemesis, has many errors in the first few chapters because I changed plot, characters, and povs in the middle before publishing and not all of it was caught.

6. Books take a lot of time and effort, authors stay hours on their computer on writing in their notepad about their books. Please be kind!

If these are anything that turns you from the book, that is perfectly fine, I'm mainly keeping this book up because I know that there are hardly any Sam witwicky fanfics and because so many people have enjoyed it. If you decide to keep reading, I hope that you will enjoy the story about the Autobots, Soah, and Sam.

Autobots roll out!

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