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Italics used when English is spoken.
(Contains: Chan spanking Jeongin.)
Ages: HJ 16.10 JN 11.10

August 2020

Seungmin walked into the kitchen. His jaw dropped when he saw the mess.
"Jisung! What's with this mess?!" He yelled.

Jisung, feeling wrongly accused, yelled back; "What are you even talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about! Just come here."

Jisung walked over. "I didn't do this!" He yelled in an offended tone.

"No one else does stuff like this! Obviously it was you."

"I've never done this!"

"Have too!"

"HAVE NOT!" Jisung yelled, shoving Seungmin.


Hyunjin was laying on his stomach, on his bed, drawing. He heard the commotion, and since Chan was at work, he decided he should go check on things.

He walked into the kitchen and immediately knew that Jeongin had done this.
He had sneakily asked Hyunjin where the flour was earlier, but he wouldn't say why he wanted it. Now that flour seemed to have exploded all over the kitchen.

"Stop fighting." Hyunjin said as he pulled Seungmin away from Jisung.

Then he went out the patio door and started calling Jeongin.
But there was no answer, so he came back in.

"See?! I told you it wasn't me!" Jisung defended.

Seungmin just rolled his eyes.

"Where's Jeongin?" Hyunjin asked.

They both shrugged.

Hyunjin went downstairs searching. Still no Jeongin. He called his name throughout the house, but to no avail. Finally he went to ask Felix if he'd seen him.

Felix was in his room playing a video game.

"Hey. Have you seen Jeongin?"

"Umm. I dunno. He was by the front door like an hour ago."

"Did he leave?"

"Yeah. He said he was going to the neighbor's house."

"Which neighbor?"

"I dunno" Felix replied in a cracked pubescent voice.

"Well why wouldn't you ask?"

"He said you knew!"

Hyunjin sighed and walked back out the door.
"That little brat." He said to himself.

He made his way to the nearest neighbor's house, only to be met with; "Sorry. He's not here."
And at every house he went, he was met with the same response.

He was starting to get worried.
But he decided to go and check all the nearby parks, or anywhere that Jeongin may have gone with his friends.
But after about an hour, he finally came home.

"Maybe we should call dad. Jeongin might be lost or something." Felix said.

"No. Let's just look around the neighborhood again. In case he's around." Hyunjin said, not wanting to stress Chan out his first week back at work in Canada.

So they all went out in search of Jeongin, even checking nearby businesses and going up and down all the streets, looking for their baby brother.

They searched for another hour and a half before all meeting back at home again.

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