Misbehaviors and Miscommunications

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It was late fall but still warm enough outside to only need a light jacket.

Hyunjin was now 12.

Hyunjin was growing up fast but he was still for the most part a child. Usually impulsive regardless of what might happen, but very conscious of others feelings.

It was the weekend and Minho was at home for a couple more hours before he had to go to work.

Chan was looking forward to an afternoon nap from the moment he woke up.

As usual, the house was chaotic, with all the kids doing their own thing.

"Changbin, can you do me a favour? Can you help Jisung finish his homework? Please?"

Chan asked.

"I guess. But only because you look so pitiful."

Changbin replied.

"Gee, thanks"

"Really hyung. You need more sleep. I've told you before that you're gonna overwork yourself!"

"Alright. Alright. Alright... Thanks Binnie."

"I'm worried you're aging prematurely, ya know."

"I got it, Bin.... Thanks..."

Changbin had convinced Jisung to come to the table and do his homework by nagging him of course.

"I care about your academic development." 

"Don't you know it's important to study?"

"Yah. Do you want to be a helpless person who grows up to not know anything?"

"Yah. Are you really not going to come here?"

"Fine. Suit yourself. I'm not going to help you then. Is that what you want? You'll have to do it by yourself."

Jisung pouted but eventually sat down to do his homework.

Jisung was a fulltime job, and Changbin was actually best at handling him. He was a little bit like a drill sergeant, and since Jisung really looked up to him, he tried his best to avoid getting scolded or slapped on the back of the neck by Changbin. Although it still happened almost daily. 

"It's to help you grow." Changbin would say when Jisung would get mad at him for it.

Felix was playing video games in the living room while Hyunjin was drawing, and Seungmin and Jeongin were teasing each other.

"Guys... I'm going to have a nap. Please don't make too much noise. Seriously. Don't wake me up. If you wake me for anything other than because someone is dying, you will regret it."

Chan said.

Minho was laying on his bed scrolling on his phone when Chan came in.

"I'm having a nap. Don't wake me up"

He said to Minho.



Seungmin was 9 and Jeongin was 7.

Seungmin was honestly just playing around, but Jeongin must've been in a mood because he seemed to be fed up with Seungmin's jokes.

With all his might, Jeongin kicked Seungmin in the arm.

"OW! You little-"

Seungmin yelled.

"Hey, Seungmin! Be quiet!"

Hyunjin said.

Minho heard the noise and started to make his way out of the bedroom, quietly.

Seungmin felt so upset. Jeongin just hurt him for no reason, and yet HE got told to be quiet.

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