Home For the Summer

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Italics used when English is being spoken

Hyunjin was thinking that he should be able to stay in Korea when the rest of the kids went back to Canada for the summer. If Minho would be here because of his new internship, why couldn't he stay here too?

"Hyunjin, Minho has to stay. He has work."

Chan said to Hyunjin.

"Then why can't I stay too?"

"Because I can't leave you and go to another country for 3 months. Besides, you love going back for the summers!"

"Yeah but Minho hyung always came too! I want to stay with him."

"I know, but we've already been through this Hyunjin. We've talked about it several times. You're going to be fine. The tickets are paid, and you're coming with me. You'll be okay."

"What if Lino hyung isn't okay?"

"Hyunjin. He's an adult. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I'll be fine here too!"

"Hyunjin. I'm sorry that it's going to be hard for you but there really is no other choice. You're 14, and I can't leave you for 3 months. It's irresponsible. Plus it could get me into legal trouble. I wouldn't know what you're doing. I wouldn't be able to keep track of you. I'm not risking it."

"But WHY? It's not like you're leaving me alone, or with some stranger."

"You WOULD be alone. Minho will be working long hours for now, and you'd be by yourself most of the time. Plus a parent can't just leave their child in another country for 3 months."

"Well you're not really my "parent" are you?!" Hyunjin sassed.

"No. I am your legal guardian. If I left you here I might lose those rights. Then what?!"

"Ugh. Whatever."

"Hyunjin, I know it's upsetting to you. I know it might feel heartbreaking, but as you grow up, you will have to experience more and more heartbreaking things. I will be there the whole time. You won't need to worry. I'll make sure you're okay while we're away."

"What will happen if I just don't go?"

"If I have to force you, then that's what'll happen. You're coming"

"I don't want to."

"I know you don't, so for now take the time to process it, because you have to come. I'm sorry."

Hyunjin walked off to Minho's room to try his case again there.


"Hyung! I'm not going to Ontario. I'll be fine here." Hyunjin whined

"Hyunjin, we've been through this." Minho said.

"But I-" Hyunjin started.

"No. You have to go"

"Why do I have to go on this stupid trip? I can just stay here!"

"Look at me."

Hyunjin looked at his brother.

"You are going. And you can either be angry the entire time, or you can choose to enjoy it. It's not going to change the fact that you ARE going."

"There's literally no reason for me to have to go. You're not going."

"I know it makes you anxious-" minho started

"I'm not anxious! I just don't want to go" Hyunjin interrupted.

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