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Dev's POV

Getting into a mess is easy, getting out of it is impossible.

Atleast I think so.

Same thing came in my mind the very moment I came in front of Jitendra Singh. His mischievous grin told me, this wasn't gonna be easy.

"Who is it??? who is it???" He kept insisting as I shut my laptop close. My mouth formed a visible frown when I looked at him. "What's with this looking at other's laptops?" I snapped at him. I wasn't surprised when he didn't even flinch because, of course, he would never flinch from getting snapped at.

These were my friends, sometimes I would feel awkward calling them my friend though. But it was how it was. Madhav, Gautam, Jitendra. Jitendra being the married one, had the most spices and swings in life. Madhav being a flirt, had the most unexpected stories and funs, and Gautam was downright fixed to his beliefs and point of views, others didn't matter to him much.

I sighed and didn't answer him, only decided to go out of the office for then. I was getting bored anyways, so I decided to stall around until lunch. Most of the office days were going kindoff boring now because of the pressure being low. Not much works were coming from the head office so we were mostly just relaxing.

I did have work, because my department always seemed to have something to do, let it be important or not. But I came down anyways and went out, while on my way I noticed Ramprit ji walking in with the log sheet.

"Sir! I needed your sign on this."

I nodded at him and took out my pen, after signing the log sheet I went on my way. Coming out of the office complex, I was feeling like breathing in the open space again. It has been like they were just hovering over me and trying to bother my patience. First, the dowry thing, second those profiles and finally Jitendra being nosy again.

Sometimes the people are too nosy that it annoys you. It did annoy me too, only a few people in my life were like that with whom I'd not feel uncomfortable easily. And Vani had shown me a glimpse of it just in a day.

I had a thought like, even if she did get nosy with me, I'd just tell her everything she wants to know, except for my bank details of course. Turning the corner, I sat down with the security guard.

"Is Madhav sir disturbing you again?" The guard chuckled and I sighed before nodding. I looked at his cabin around again. It had gutkha spread over the walls and floor as well. I did feel not so comfortable stepping in his sweet abode. But it was better than having to sit with those three.

"Did you eat breakfast?" I looked at him and asked.

"No sir, not yet, I brought home made food and will be having that only. Not the lunch here either, that time I'll go outside and buy something for me.'

We talked a while more while most of them were just useless gossip and topics. It seemed to be a nice change of pace, being with this guy. He saw a loads of people every day passing by, going in and going out. If anyone knows about everything what's going on in the company, it has to be this guy.

"So, when are you going home?" I asked at his direction after I had turned my head to the side to look at the expensive cars. I really wished at that very moment that I also should have a decent amount of salary if I wanna be happy man and a proud husband.

"By home, you mean going to my Village sir?" He looked at me and I nodded.

"Well, there are some old lands and an old building left by our father. I am thinking of selling it, so I need to go home soon. Now hoping I get the needed leave." He said nervously laughing while looking at my eyes. His  look almost saying 'If something goes wrong, please help me by fixing it."

I nodded and got up from there, going out in the small open area for sitting and relaxing. But most people would come to either talk to their family or anyone else. And here was I doing nothing, just standing there. I was looking around to see if someone would come and join me, ruining my train of thoughts. It's not like I used to think a lot, and I barely think at all about many things.

Obviously, if it's about the past or something related to family then it's different. Sometimes a part of me would say that it's not my fault. Sometimes a part of me would tell me that yes, it is my fault entirely. I should've understood and let myself get out of that relationship even sooner. But sometimes you just love someone too much that, even if they hurt you, you intend to stay with them. And that's the most painful thing, both physically ( in my case ) and mentally.

I sat down swinging back and forth. Green being the most peaceful colour in my mind as I scrolled my phone. It was a lot of Instagram shorts and information news. I scrolled a while more while worrying not at all about my three brilliant buddies.

Another incoming buzz of text bothered my peace. When I clicked the button, a text from the unknown number again. I didn't even think to open it or read it, because I was dreading somehow that it was from Divya. I didn't even know why I was thinking about her at that very moment, or maybe my vision just had grown a dream filter. Because the next person whom my eyes landed on, that wasn't anyone else that Divya. It had to be, she didn't change much because it wasn't much long anyways.

It's only been a while, really just a while. And already I was dreading to confront her. Because my mind was occupied with a lot of confusions. She was sending me the texts, she was pretending to be someone from years ago. She texted me from that other number like she was someone who was part of my life, which she was. But it wasn't years, it has been a day since I found that she cheated.

But in my mind, I knew life would never let me skip this horror easily. When I promised myself never to meet her again, she came back just in a day.

This can't be like this, it can't. I had to stop her from controlling me. Her memories had to be gone.

Just the moment I decided to step forward, my phone buzzed with another text. I opened my phone this time to see a text from Vani.

V: Bored at the college, where are you?

I sighed, and replied to her text.

D: Bored at the office, so my fate has set me up for an encounter.

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