she said no

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Leni opened the door of their condo unit with her biggest smiles. She can't believe it, she's in a relationship with Bongbong after all these years of waiting and hurting and yearning. It's meant to be, she thought.

"Mills?" Leni was surprised to see Millie walking down the stairs of her very own home. She didn't know that she's gonna be there.

Millie hugged her with a deep worried face.

"What happened? Are you okay? Kanina ka pa ba? Sorry di ako nakapag-check ng phone ko." Leni apologized, checking her phone from her bag.

Millie went to the dinning table and sat, "It's okay, Mare. How's your dinner with Bong?"

Leni blushed, sat across Millie. "Kami na ulit."

For some reason, Millie didn't react.

Leni frowned. "Why? You don't like it? Akala ko—"

Millie cut her off. "Mare, alam mong masaya ako para sa'yo. Gusto ko yan para sainyo ni Bong kaya lang—" she sighed.

Leni didn't know what's going on.

"It's Sue." Millie said.

"What about Sue? What happened to her? Kaya ka ba nandito?" Leni asked.

Millie nodded. "Ayaw ni Sue magkabalikan kayo ni Bong."

Leni felt a bucket of ice cold water on her body.

"Carrie called me earlier, sabi daw ni Sue tawagan ako because something happened. Of course I rushed here, inabutan ko syang umiiyak sa loob ng sasakyan sa parking. She got heckled, Lens. Again." Millie said.

Leni's eyes turned teary.

"Remember the time na nakipag-away sya sa bar? Kaya sya nun uminom with friends eh kasi she got heckled too. That was the first time. Kaya pala her attitude changed after that." Millie continued. "Then, when everything's going well, ayun she got heckled again."

"I— I didn't know. Oh god!" Leni buried her face into her palms in disappointment to herself.

"She hates herself for being your daughter. She hates the idea of you and Bong kasi it reminds her na hindi na babalik ang normal na buhay nya dahil sa inyo. That's why she wanted you guys to just bring her back to Naga." Millie said.

Earlier, after Millie found Sue in the car, she was able to comfort her and convinced her to go to their unit. Sue was all drenched in tears. After an hour, Millie was able to convince Sue to go to the bedroom so she could rest.

Leni finally sobbed.

Millie hugged her. "Talk to Sue about this muna, okay? Tapos pag-usapan nyo ni Bong."


"How are you? I miss you na agad." Bongbong talked to Leni over the phone early morning.

"Okay naman. Miss you too."

"Excited na 'ko for Siargao. We'll have time for ourselves. Tabi tayo sa bed, ha!"

She giggled. "Gusto mo ba?"

"Oo naman. Bakit ayaw mo ba?"

"Syempre gusto. Miss ko na yung mga ginagawa natin sa bed, Daddy." She baby talked.

"Tulad ng ano?" He smirked.

"Ehhhh! Alam mo na yun! I miss it na!"

He laughed. "Naughty ka ha!"

She giggled. "Puntahan kita today?"

"Sure. I'll wait for you. I love you!"

"I love you too, Daddy!"

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