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"I'll protect you from afar, even if it means dying a little inside every time."

In room 204, Yoongi stirred reluctantly as his alarm shattered the tranquility with its persistent buzz. He groaned, reaching out to silence it with a heavy hand.

Yoongi: "Damn it. Why so early?"

He grumbled to himself, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he glanced blearily at his phone. A message from Jungkook awaited him, and with a tired sigh, he tapped it open:

Jungkook: Tomorrow, 4 AM. Gym at the villa. Urgent.

Yoongi's brow furrowed in confusion. Then, he noticed a follow-up message from Jungkook:

Jungkook: Scratch that. Meet in my room instead.

Yoongi blinked, squinting at the screen to make sure he read it right. He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head at the irony of being roused so early only to have the meeting location changed to Jungkook's room.

Yoongi: "This kid..."

He muttered, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he imagined Jungkook's probable annoyance at having to alter his plans so abruptly. With a resigned sigh, Yoongi swung his legs out of bed, already anticipating the teasing he'd receive when they gathered.

In various rooms of the villa, the morning unfolded with a mixture of grumbles and groans as Eclipse members responded to Jungkook's early morning summons:

In room 205, Jin's voice echoed through the quiet morning air, filled with playful annoyance..

Jin: "Jungkook, are you kidding me? It's a vacation, not a military drill!"

He grumbled, tossing a pillow aside with exaggerated frustration. Despite his protests, Jin couldn't help but smile at the thought of his younger brother's typical punctuality.

Down the hall in room 202, Jimin mirrored Yoongi's sentiments, albeit with a touch more drama:

Jimin: "Why does he always do this? I just want one morning to sleep in."

He sighed dramatically, stretching luxuriously before reluctantly swinging his legs out of bed. Jimin knew better than to keep Jungkook waiting, especially when his leader's determination was set.

In room 203, Taehyung's response was a mixture of resignation and amusement:

Taehyung: "Early bird gets the worm, or in this case, gets to annoy us all."

He chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head as he began to prepare for the unexpected rendezvous.

In contrast, down the corridor in room 208, J-Hope greeted the morning with his usual boundless energy:

J-Hope: "Good morning, world!"

He exclaimed cheerfully, already bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. For Hobi, every moment was a chance to spread positivity, even if it meant an early morning summons from their leader.

Meanwhile, in room 206, Namjoon lay sprawled across his bed, contemplating the day ahead with a mix of readiness and laziness:

Namjoon: "Alright, Jungkook. Let's see what you've got for us today."

He murmured to himself, finally pushing himself upright with a yawn. Namjoon knew better than to underestimate the significance of their leader's urgency, even if it did mean sacrificing a few more minutes of sleep.

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