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Qian Feng was not tired for too long. Soon, three more educated youths came.

The one who rushed to the front was a female educated youth. She looked Shen Che up and down while helping him. She asked worriedly: "Why did you fall into the water? Are you injured? Or should we go to the health center of the commune?"

Shen Che avoided her hand and said coldly in his weak tone: "No, I just need to rest."

In addition to the female educated youth, the remaining two were male educated youths.

Seeing this, a male educated youth went to help Shen Che. This time, Shen Che did not refuse and asked the remaining male educated youth to take the laundry bucket and basket from Su Ye.

To Su Ye, this is nothing, but if someone is willing to bring it up, she won't force herself to do it.

Besides, the laundry tub is not hers.

"Could it be that he hasn't recovered from the last heat stroke?" The male educated youth who was supporting Shen Che asked himself, "That shouldn't be the case. Comrade Su Ye's condition was much more serious than yours, but she's fine now and can save your life."

"How can his broken body compare with Comrade Su Ye who has a full body?" Qian Feng said, "In my opinion, it's not necessarily that he hasn't recovered from the last heat stroke. It may be that he got heat stroke again because of being in the hot sun."

Su Ye raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Did Shen Che get heat stroke after he carried me back last time?"

The female educated youth turned her head and looked at Su Ye. Just now, her attention was on Shen Che and she didn't look closely at Su Ye next to her. Now she was shocked.

We haven't seen each other for a few days, how come Su Ye looks so much better?

The female educated youth's face suddenly darkened. Shen Che hardly interacted with girls, even the female educated youths who lived in the educated youth camp, they didn't talk much. But Shen Che saved Su Ye a few days ago, and now Su Ye saved Shen Che again.

A sense of crisis arose spontaneously, and she felt that Shen Che's two heat strokes were related to Su Ye, so her tone was not so polite.

"It's so hot, he's not in good health, and he carried you for such a long distance, how can he not get heat stroke?" The female educated youth said.

Shen Che frowned and was about to say something when he heard Su Ye say to him, "Shen Che, you are risking your life to save me."

"If he hadn't risked his life to save you, he would have died today." Qian Feng smiled and said, "This can be regarded as a good reward for good people."

The female educated youth said, "If Shen Che hadn't carried her that day, Shen Che wouldn't have had a heat stroke, and he might not have fainted in the water today."

When the female educated youth said the first sentence, Su Ye felt that although her tone was not good, she was right. If Shen Che hadn't carried her, he would not have had a heat stroke, so she didn't bother with the female educated youth.

But the female educated youth didn't hold back, but became even more aggressive, and Su Ye was no longer used to it.

She smiled lightly and asked, "Comrade He Yan, do you mean that Shen Che should not have saved me that day and should have let me lie on the roadside to die?"

No matter how stupid He Yan was, she knew that she couldn't say that. She snorted coldly, "I didn't say that."

"You didn't say that, but that's what you meant." Su Ye's tone faded, "It's funny. Shen Che, who saved me, didn't say anything. Who are you to Shen Che? Do you have the qualifications to say that?"

I became the aunt of male lead in the period novel[70s]Where stories live. Discover now