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Su Ze was hurt, but it was just a little hurt. Neither his bones nor his skin were hurt.

But the female teacher was different. She covered her stomach and frowned: "My stomach hurts."

Her face turned pale almost instantly.

Logically, even if she was hurt, her face shouldn't turn pale so quickly. Shen Che, who had been a doctor for a long time, asked: "Teacher, are you married?"

The female teacher and Teacher Yu who came to help her were stunned. It was too presumptuous for a gay man to ask a lesbian if she was married.

However, Su Ye knew that Shen Che would not ask for no reason. Seeing that the female teacher didn't say anything, she asked again.

The female teacher endured the pain and said in a low voice: "It's over."

"Then you'd better go to the hospital as soon as possible," Shen Che said: "You look like this, it may be because you just fell down, and there are signs of miscarriage."

Teacher Yu was shocked and asked the female teacher: "You are pregnant and you don't know it."

The female teacher did not answer this question. She choked up and said: "Teacher Yu, please, take me to the hospital as soon as possible."

The female teacher is definitely unable to walk by herself in her current situation, nor can she sit on the back of a bicycle. The only way is to take a three-wheeled bicycle or a reclining cart, but the kindergarten does not have these two.

Su Ye sighed, walked to the female teacher and easily picked her up.

The female teacher subconsciously hugged Su Ye's neck.

Teacher Yu was also startled: "Comrade Su Ye?"

Su Ye said: "I am strong and can carry her over."

"Teacher Yu, it's true," Su Ze said with his head tilted up: "My aunt is amazing."

Shen Che also said: "Su Ye is strong and won't be bumpy."

The female teacher is most afraid of bumps in her current situation.

Teacher Yu didn't know where to borrow a tricycle for a while, and it was great that Su Ye could help.

After sending the person to the hospital, the doctor found that the female teacher's pregnancy was not stable to begin with, and there were signs of miscarriage after the fall, so she had to stay in the hospital for observation.

With Teacher Yu around, Su Ye and the others did not stay long. After making sure that the female teacher was not in danger for the time being, they left.

The next evening, Su Ye did not go to pick up Su Ze. He came back with Shen Che.

Su Ye was reading on the sofa. When he heard the door open, he looked up.

Su Ze went into the room, put down his schoolbag, and sat next to Su Ye. He told Su Ye that the student who bumped into the female teacher yesterday did not come to class today.

Su Ye was not surprised to hear this. They all saw clearly yesterday that it was the male student who deliberately bumped into the female teacher.

Su Ye had an impression of this gay boy. When Su Ze just entered the kindergarten, Su Ye took Da Huang and Xiao Huang to pick him up after school. This boy suddenly wanted to touch Da Huang and Xiao Huang. After being stopped by Su Ze, the two quarreled for a few words.

If the classmates were just minor quarrels, this time he deliberately pushed the teacher and almost caused the female teacher to have a miscarriage. He was completely bad.

I became the aunt of male lead in the period novel[70s]Where stories live. Discover now