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Shen Che worshipped Teacher Chen as his teacher, but he could not study with Teacher Chen every day.

There were two reasons. One was that Teacher Chen did not have that much time.

Teacher Chen was sent down to the countryside and was one of those people who needed to be reformed. Although the people here were more simple and there were fewer messy things, Teacher Chen still had to work in the fields.

In fact, Shen Che did not have that much time. It was okay in the last few days, but after he started working in the commune, he only had time on Sundays.

The second reason was that Shen Che should not go to Teacher Chen's house every other day.

Their family was already conspicuous enough in the brigade, and they had made some enemies. In addition, some people just couldn't see the good in others. If the interaction was too obvious, it was hard to guarantee that someone would not have bad intentions.

Because of these reasons, Teacher Chen and Su Ye agreed to come on Sunday, come early, and leave after dark so that they would not be easily discovered.

As for Teacher Chen, there were basically no people near her home. Even if someone found out that Teacher Chen was not at home, they could just say that she went to the mountains to pick mushrooms.

But to be honest, this is not a long-term solution, but it is the better solution they can think of now.

If there are any changes in the future, we will take it one step at a time.

It was also a coincidence that it rained for several days straight after the worship of the master, and it was not light.

In such weather, it is impossible to work in the fields, and people can only stay at home.

So before dawn, Su Ye went to pick up Teacher Chen. It was raining heavily and the road was slippery, so Su Ye basically carried Teacher Chen over, and she would send him back after dinner in the evening when it was dark.

After a few days, it was hard to tell whether Shen Che had learned anything, but Teacher Chen looked much better.

Of course, with the daily trips, Teacher Chen's home had changed a lot of things.

In the past, Shen Che had taken good care of Teacher Chen before he recognized her as his teacher, but now that he recognized her as his teacher, he had to take better care of her.

The key point was that Teacher Chen not only taught Shen Che, but also taught Su Ze in his free time, like a buy one get one free deal.

The day before Shen Che went to work, it was still dark and the rain was falling again.

Su Ye went to fetch Teacher Chen again.

When they got home, Shen Che had already prepared breakfast.

After breakfast, Teacher Chen and Shen Che took a short rest, and then went to the study room at the back.

There were three rooms in Su Ye's house, and the one at the back was always empty. Su Ye thought that if he gave a lecture in the main room, it would be bad if someone suddenly came and saw him, so he cleaned up that room and made it into a study room.

It just so happened that outside the window of that room was their family's private plot, and almost no one went there, so it was perfect for giving lectures and studying.

Shen Che went to class, and Su Ze also obediently wrote the homework assigned by Teacher Chen in the main room.

Only Su Ye, who didn't have to study, was bored.

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