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Shen Che did not hide the fact that Su Xin went to the commune to borrow money from him.

Su Ye was not very angry, but she felt that since Su Xin was willing to sell her out, why didn't she listen to her and make a big deal out of it.

Afterwards, she did not talk to Su Xin about it.

Not only because Shen Che had already sternly refused, but also because Su Xin was indeed more pitiful. Although she was hateful, he was too lazy to argue with her.

Su Ye thought that Su Xin would feel guilty when she saw her, but Su Xin was surprisingly calm today.

Has she decided to accept her fate, or has she found other ways?

Su Ye was more inclined to the latter, because she did not see despair and dead silence in Su Xin, so the question was, what method did Su Xin find?

Su Ye was a little curious, but she was too lazy to check.

After New Year's Day, the lunar calendar had already come to 1976.

Su Ye remembered that the college entrance examination was resumed in October 1977, which is nearly two years away from now.

Shen Che is now studying with Teacher Chen, and he will most likely take the college entrance examination when it is resumed.

But there is no need to rush, with Shen Che's intelligence, it will be in time for him to prepare next year.

January 3, Saturday.

After breakfast, Su Xin was about to go out with a backpack on her back.

Zheng Guihua: "Where are you going?"

Su Xin lowered her eyelids: "I'm going to the mountain to pick mushrooms."

Zheng Guihua muttered: "You go to pick mushrooms every other day, but I haven't seen you bring back any money. You didn't hide it, did you?"

Su Xin said nothing, and left with the backpack on her back.

Zheng Guihua cursed a few more times, but her voice was not loud, and she didn't stop Su Xin.

After returning from the office, she and Su Quan had talked it out, and Su Xin finally agreed to the marriage reluctantly, but she asked that she would not go to earn money for the next period of time, she would go to the mountain to pick mushrooms, and she would keep the money she made for herself.

In order to let her get married with peace of mind, Zheng Guihua and Su Quan agreed.

Su Xin did go to the mountain. She stayed there until almost noon and then went to the commune's purchasing station with a backpack.

"Tsk, your mushrooms are not fresh." The mushroom collector was picky: "I heard that you are also from Jiangkou Brigade?"

Su Xin looked at the other party in confusion. He was just picking on the mushrooms she picked, why did he suddenly ask her which brigade she was from?

The other party continued: "There is a person named Su Ye in your team. The mushrooms she picks are big and good, and they are also very expensive. You can follow her to pick mushrooms next time."

"What are you talking about?" Another staff member frowned and said to Su Xin: "Your mushrooms are not very good, the price may be a little lower."

Su Xin nodded.

The previous staff member continued: "I really didn't lie to you. Su Ye sells two or three yuan every time she comes, and sometimes four or five yuan. If you follow her, you will earn more than us in a month."

I became the aunt of male lead in the period novel[70s]Where stories live. Discover now