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The engagement ceremony continued, vibrant and filled with laughter, as the guests mingled, shared stories, and indulged in an array of exquisite Indian cuisine. The air was fragrant with spices and sweets, and colorful decorations adorned the venue. However, as the night wore on and the clock approached 11 PM, the party began to dim, the lights softly fading, and the atmosphere growing more intimate.

Advik, sensing the moment, turned to Ruhani, his expression a mix of determination and care. “I need to ask your parents for their blessing,” he said, his grip firm around her hand. With a gentle tug, he led her toward her parents, who were deep in conversation with a few relatives. After a brief exchange, he sought their permission to take Ruhani home. Their nods of approval felt like an anchor, grounding the moment in tradition, but it only deepened her unease.

As they walked out to the parking lot, Ruhani felt a sense of dread wash over her. She had imagined leaving her home in a flurry of excitement, not under these circumstances. The reality of the situation hit her hard. Everything felt surreal as they approached the sleek black Mercedes parked by the entrance.

Inside the car, the atmosphere turned heavy with silence. Advik glanced at her, his expression unreadable as he started the engine. The sound of the vehicle breaking through the quiet night only intensified her growing anxiety.

Ruhani sat stiffly in her seat, staring out the window at the streets that had once felt so familiar but now seemed distant and foreign. She couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom that settled in her chest. Her mind raced with thoughts of home—her room, her clothes, her life. She had nothing to wear at Advik’s house; everything she had known was being stripped away, piece by piece.

“Advik,” she finally spoke, her voice barely a whisper. “I can’t do this. I need to go back home. I don’t have anything there. I’m not ready for this.” Her heart raced as she fought back tears.

He looked at her, his brow furrowing in concern. “You’ll be fine. This is just the beginning. I promise you’ll get used to it. We’ll get everything you need.”

But his words felt hollow to her. How could he expect her to feel comfortable when everything was changing so quickly? The tears she had been holding back began to spill over, leaving warm trails down her cheeks. “Everything is finished, Advik. I don’t want this! I want my life back!” Her voice trembled, breaking under the weight of her despair.

Advik’s expression softened, and he reached over, placing a hand on her knee in a gesture of reassurance. “I know this is overwhelming, but you have to trust me. I will take care of you. You are my wife now, and I will make sure you’re comfortable.”

But all she could think about was how this was not the life she had wanted, how she was being thrust into a world she wasn’t ready for. The tears flowed freely now, each drop a reminder of the life she was leaving behind.

As they drove through the dimly lit streets, Ruhani's heart ached with longing for the familiar comfort of her home. She was stepping into the unknown, and the weight of that realization pressed down on her like a heavy fog, enveloping her in fear and uncertainty.

As the sleek Mercedes glided through the night, Ruhani’s mind spiraled with a torrent of uncertainties. Each street they passed felt like a reminder of everything she was leaving behind, the shadows of her former life looming large in her thoughts. She stared blankly out of the window, watching as familiar landmarks slipped away into the night, swallowed by the darkness.

What have I done? The question echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain. The laughter from the engagement party felt distant, replaced by an oppressive silence that weighed heavily on her heart. She had imagined this day to be filled with joy and love, not fear and anxiety. Her stomach churned as she remembered the promises Advik had made—promises that felt more like chains binding her to a future she never wanted.

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