URGENT: Meet me or else!

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As Ruhani sat on the bed, nervously scrolling through her phone, she came across several messages from her friends. Most of them were filled with cheeky and suggestive comments about her first night with Advik. She quickly ignored them, but her attention was drawn to an unfamiliar email sitting in her inbox. It looked suspicious, the subject line alone sent a chill down her spine:

Subject: URGENT: Meet me or else!

Her heart raced as she hesitantly clicked on the email. The contents immediately filled her with dread:


From: anonymous@mail.com
To: Ruhani Sharma
Subject: URGENT: Meet me or else!


I’m sure you thought you could get away with your past, but you’re wrong. I have some intimate photos of you. If you don’t meet me in person within the next 48 hours, I’ll make sure these photos are shared publicly, including with your husband.

You don’t want to ruin your new life, do you?

Meet me at the café near your college at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Come alone, or you know what will happen.

Attachments: Photos.zip


Ruhani’s breath hitched. Her fingers trembled as she downloaded the attachments, her curiosity mingling with fear. As soon as she opened the folder, her worst fears came true. The photos were of her and Rajveer, her college sweetheart, in intimate moments. Some were from parties, others from private moments she thought had long been forgotten. They weren’t explicit, but they were enough to raise questions—especially if Advik were to see them.

Panic washed over her. She pressed the back button and stared at her phone in disbelief, her mind racing. What would Advik do if he found out? He was already strict and controlling—he wouldn’t forgive something like this.

After several minutes of staring at the phone, she realized she couldn’t handle this on her own. Hesitantly, she searched for Rajveer’s number. She hadn’t spoken to him in a long time, and she had no idea how he would react. Still, he was the only one she could turn to right now. After hesitating for what felt like forever, she pressed the call button.

It rang a few times before Rajveer finally picked up. “Hello? Ruhani?” His voice was cautious, unsure.

“Raj... I need your help,” Ruhani stammered, her voice shaking. “Something happened…" Someone has those photos of us, and they’re threatening me.”

There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “What? What photos? Ruhani, what are you talking about?”

She quickly explained the situation, her voice a hurried whisper as she sent him the screenshots of the email and attachments. When Rajveer saw them, his tone shifted, becoming serious.

“This isn’t good, Ruhani. Whoever this is, they’re dangerous. But listen to me—don’t tell your husband. If he’s anything like what you’ve told me, this won’t end well. We need to figure this out on our own. Stay calm, and I’ll help you get through this. Whatever happens, keep Advik in the dark.”

Ruhani’s heart pounded in her chest as she listened to Rajveer’s advice. She knew he was right—Advik could never find out.

As Ruhani disconnected the call, her mind raced. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her hand trembled as she scrolled back through the email attachments, staring at the photos. How did this even happen? Who could be behind this?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear the door creak open. Advik stepped into the room suddenly, his presence catching her completely off guard.

Startled, Ruhani’s phone slipped from her trembling hands and clattered to the floor. Her face drained of color as her eyes met Advik’s. His expression was sharp, his eyes narrowing as they fell on the fallen phone and her panicked look.

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