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"Where is everyone?" Elyssa sets her purse on the kitchen island.
"Uh," Jack looks outside, "on the boat I guess" he sees the boat not at the dock. "Hey?"
"Mhm?" Elyssa hums. Jack holds up the pregnancy test box they got at the store. Her face lights up, "let's go" she begins going up to their room.
"Alright. Says there's 3 in here. Do you take all 3 or?" Jacks reading the instructions as Elyssa ties her hair back. "Oh wait!" He says abruptly, putting the box down and running downstairs. Elyssa laughs in confusion. He quickly returns with a glass of water for her. "In case you don't have to pee."
"Stop" she laughs, "you're hilarious." She takes the glass, going down on one knee to drink it.
"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Jack chants as she drinks the water. Once she reaches the bottom of the glass they both cheer and laugh.
"Ok" she sighs, calming down before going into the bathroom.
"Do you want, like, help?" Jack stutters.
"I think I can go pee alone, thank you though." She giggles. Jack nods, sitting on the bed to wait.
"Alright, 3 minutes starts now." She comes out of the bathroom, plopping next to Jack on the bed. Her knee bounces as they wait impatiently. She checks the timer anxiously. She watches it go down to 0 and alarm. "Ok" she sighs, standing up. They both enter the bathroom, seeing 3 tests face down on the counter. "I can't do it" she looks up at Jack, giggling nervously.
"You do one, I'll do one?" He suggests, looking at the three tests lined up together. Elyssa nods, grabbing one, but not picking it up yet. Jack counts to three as they both pick up a test and look at it. Elyssas heart drops, she knew they haven't been genuinely trying for that long but she didn't think about how it would actually play out. Jacks heart swells, the realization that they are going to build a family together. They finally look at each other, confused. Jack wonders why Elyssa seems upset, and Elyssa wonders why Jack is happy. She grabs the test he's holding seeing that it says positive. A smile grows on her face, before more confusion set in.
"Wait..." she looks at her test again.
"What?" Jack is still confused. He grabs her test, looking at it say negative. "How is that?" He doesn't finish his thought.
"I don't know" she furrows her eyebrows.
"I guess it's down to the third test" Jack suggests, reminding Elyssa there's another one.
"You look" she tells him, "I'm more invested than I thought." She laughs nervously.
"O-ok" Jack takes a deep breath. As he picks up the final test, Elyssa holds her breath. She examines his face, watching for something to give it away. It feels like he's staring at the result for hours. Elyssas mind begins to race with disappointment. She's about to take her eyes off Jack to look at the floor but the smile rising to his face stops her.
"Yeah?" She's hopeful.
"Yeah!" Jack nods, showing her the positive pregnancy test. Elyssa jumps into his arms, squealing and laughing. "You're pregnant" Jack mutters, almost in disbelief.
"I'm pregnant!" Elyssas feet return to the ground, hopping with a giddy smile across her face. Jack laughs at her, his eyes glossy. He cups her face in his hands, eagerly kissing her. Once they pull apart, jacks thumb wipes a tear from her cheek.
"We're gonna have a baby" she whispers with a grin.
"We're gonna have a baby!" Jack repeats in an excited whisper. He brings her into another kiss, continuing to peck her lips. He holds her tight against his body, burying his face in her hair as a few tears roll down his cheeks. "I love you" he whispers into her hair.
"I love you." She says as a matter of factly, looking at him as they're both still smiling. She reaches up, wiping a tear from his cheek. Jack grabs her hand before it leaves his face, bringing it to his lips, pressing a few kisses to it, making Elyssa giggle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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