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Monday morning came more fast than I liked it.

I walked into the crowded halls of Norman High school. With my somewhat friend Louis. (Picture of louis^) He didn't have many friends and neither did I so we befriended each other. He was rather good looking. His ocean blue eyes always sparkled when his face crumpled up with a childish smile that I loved so much. His wavy hair was everywhere. I loved it. I loved that he put little effort into looking good but always came out cute. It made me wonder quite a bit why he wasn't popular. He's obviously better looking than most of the popular guys.
But he was just a friend. And always will be.
"So Sis..." He said making me turn my attention to him as he called me by my nickname. "How was the work Harry gave you to do for him.?" He asked. Looking around the halls at all the Hormornal teenagers.
It cleared a little since we walked in.
"Well Lou...what do you think.?" I said giving him a 'the fuck do you think' look. His face scrunched up and let out a chuckle.
"Well...I dont know. I wasn't the one doing it." He looked me into the eye now while I glared at him. Bastard.
"Well it wasn't at all easy. I'm only a junior. That asshole is a senior. Put the puzzels together. Fuck head" I spat. He let out a laugh that caused a few kids in the now almost empty hallways to look at us.
"Sassy much.?" He said still in a fit of laughter.
"Always." I said smirking and winking at the same time.

We walked deeper into the halls heading towards our locker. Louis's locker was on the direct opposite of mine.

"I'll see ya in English Sis" louis yelled while walking down another hallway to reach his locker.
"Alright Lou." I yelled back watching him walk away. When he turns the corner I head towards my locker. I walk slowly but cautiously keeping my awareness up.

I open my locker and pulled out my Math workbook. The bell is going to ring any minute now. I need to hurry.

"Where is it bitch?!" He spat, referring to the science homework he forcefully had me do over the weekend. His voice sent shivers immediately down my spine as I closed my eyes knowing that I would, without a doubt, leave this very hallway with yet again, another bruise. Even if I did finish his homework he still found a reason to hurt me. "I have it right here Harry" I said as I frantically looked in my side bag for Harry's homework. A familiar Green large book came to view and I pulled it out handing it to him. My palm unable to stay still.
He looked at me as if I were some alien.
"Stop fucking shaking. You look like a retarded bitch"
I looked down at my feet as Harry scanned the papers I've worked so hard on. Waiting for his dismissal because if I were to leave without him giving me permission I sure as hell would get my ass kicked. No doubt there.
I watched Harry as his eyebrows skidded together.
"What the fuck Sistinas.! This isn't my fucking hand writing. I'll get caught by Mrs.Alexander.! You better hope she doesn't suspect anything or recognize this as someone else's handwriting.!" He yelled

"Well obviously its not your hand writing since I'm the one who did it." I spat. "I promise to do better next time though..." I coward under his glare.
Seconds later a fist came in contact with my face, then my stomach, then my head.
"You better fucking make sure you fucking worthless piece of shit."
That's all I felt at the moment as my limp body fell to the floor crying.
He kicked one last time in my torso.
"You worthless shit.! Your so fucking useless. I just hope when your years of high school are over you can come to your sense's and relize you mean nothing to this world." I cried harder. Tears covering my face but my hands blocked it from his view.
Maybe I was worthless.
No...I am worthless.
Just nothing to this cruel world.

Harrys body towered over mine as I laid on the clean white tile the janitor cleaned early this morning like he always does.
But now my shitty tears covered it.
"Don't you see Sistinas. Your dad left you when you were 7.! You meant shit to him. And your mom...she barely even makes time for your worthless ass. " he kicked me again as I held my stomach. Full on pain now.
I cried and cried. Pretty sure I cried out every inch of water inside of me.
Harry then looked at me once again with no guilt nor pity as he walked away to his first period class.

How can someone be so mean. How can someone bring so much pain. Especially to someone who never even laid a finger on him.
I Stayed silent on the floor crying to myself.

'So fucking useless' his words rang through my mind.

'That's why your own dad left you'

'Your mom never even makes time for you because you're shit'

'You mean nothing to this world '

Oh harry only if you knew how much pain these words brought to me.
Bringing up my dad touched a soft spot. And bringing up my mom makes me wish I was buried in a hole right now. Deep underground where no one, not even Harry could find me.
I wish for that.
I wish I can just disappear.
No one will notice.
Atleats I won't have to feel pain like this anymore if I were to just disappear.
Maybe I should ...

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