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I walked through the school gates mad.
Mad at my mom.
Mad at Louis.
Mad at Harry.
Im mad at my mom because she was being a total bitch to me.
Im mad at Louis for abandoning me at the party.
Im mad at Harry for being such a bitch and lashing out for no reason 2 days ago in his car.
I decided I was going to ignore Louis. I was pissed to the point where I wanted to stab him. I could've got kidnapped from walking all those miles , not knowing exactly how to get home.
I don't know how to express my feelings but the best way I can describe them is 'lost'.
I was lost with everything. All these things burying me in madness, sadness, curiosity, and hate.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking when a i felt someone knock into me.

"Watch where you're going" harry said fuming.
I just bumped it to him. Why is that a big deal. It was an accident.
I wasn't in the mood to yell back so I just said
"Im...sorry" I started to pick the books I dropped.

"Well maybe if you didn't carry so much books we wouldn't have this problem"

"Maybe if you stop being so mean I won't have a reason to throw one at you" I snarled.

"Whatever" he spat and walked away.
Wow...he didn't hit me. That's the first time in many years.

I started to walk away but I felt a strong hand pull on my wrist.
I looked up to see him again.
I guess I was wrong. He is going to hit me.

"Friday night at 7:30. Be ready. We need to talk about a few things." I nodded. He smiled at me and walked away.
What the fuck was that ?!!
He smiled at me .
For the first time in almost 10 years. He smiled at me. And his smile was beautiful.
I felt a little pang of butterflies in my stomach.
First, he doesn't hit me.
Second, he smiles at me.
Third, he asked me on a date.
Well...I'm not sure if it was a date.
He said we just need to talk some things out.
I wonder if it's about what I asked him in the car.
Or if its about my mom.
All I know right now is I'm happy. I'm excited and happy.

-----3rd period-----
I was sitting in English class. I ignored Louis at all cost.
I didn't look at him or speak to him.
He tried to talk to me but I quickly pushed away. I was so angry at him and he knew it.

Once the lunch bell rang I headed towards the tree that was at the back of the school. I didn't want to go to lunch. I wasn't hungry and plus I didn't want to sit with Louis and I didn't want to sit by myself so I just came back here.
I sat by the tree and took out my book.
' Allegiant' the third book of the Divergent series.
Those books are the best books I have ever read. I hope to make a book as good as that when I'm older.
While I was reading I heard someone clear there throat beside me.
I looked up and to see a girl. She was really pretty. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She had a perfect figure. She smiled at me. Even her smile was perfect.

I smiled back at her.

"May I sit here.?"
She had small shy voice. It was beautiful. I bet she can sing good.

"Of course you can sit with me"I smiled politely and scooted over so she could sit. She smiled in response and sat down. She had a brown paper bag in her hands. I'm almost certain its her lunch.

"Do you sit here all the time.?" She squeaked out.

"Um no actually. This is my first time sitting here" I smiled at her. I wanted her to feel comfortable. I know how it is to be in an awkward situation and I wanted her to know that she doesn't need to be shy.

"Oh that's nice." She smiled warmly back. "What made you want to sit out here all by yourself ?"

"Well I'm not speaking to my friend...well my only friend. I usually sit with him but since I'm mad at him I'm not going to sit with him. And I didn't want to sit in the cafeteria alone so here I am."

"If you don't mind me asking...why are you mad at him.?"
I explained to her about Friday night. How it was my first party. How I got really drunk and lost my virginity to him and then the next morning he left me in a house that I didn't know and didn't know who lived there. I then told her how Harry took me home.

"Ohh...that's happened to me a couple of times"
I chocked on my own spit and looked at her like she was crazy. She doesn't look like the type to go to parties and get drunk and have sex.


"Yea" she nodded while looking up at the sky. "But no one was there to take me home so I always ended up taking myself. But that was before I had a boyfriend. "

"You have a boyfriend.?"

"Yup" she beamed " his name is Liam."

"Thats a Nice name." I smiled politely. "Which reminds me to ask...what's your name"

"My name is Iyla" (eye-luhh)

"That's a beautiful name" I grinned.

"Thank you. It was my mothers name before she passed away." She looked down. I felt my heart burst. I don't know how it feels to loose a mom but I know if I lost my mom I would be so lost in sadness and loneliness

"I'm so sorry"

"Its okay. Its not your fault"

"Um if you don't mind me asking...what happened.?" I regretted the words as soon as they came out. Asking her what happened would just make her more upset.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to ask that. It's none of my business"

"No no its fine." She smiled. "I can tell you" I immediately gave her props for being so strong.

Her smiled disappeared as she let out sigh.

"She was murdered ...right in front of me".


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