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"So what happened hunny.?" My mother asked as we headed home. She was rather interested in every single little thing. Especially the things that occurred at the restaurant.

"Um well we were having dinner and Harry had to use the restroom. 3 minutes later the bathroom exploded and I hurried to save Harry. And you already know that he's in the hospital" I stated. I turned to look at my mom.

She was driving and had a smile on her face....?

"I'm glad you find this funny mother" I sassed rolling my eyes.

"I'm sorry hunny. I don't know how to use my emotions so sometimes they come out in the most peculiar ways, depending on the tragic situation." She said smiling wider. She wasn't a very good liar.

I didn't pay attention to her. All I did was turn my head to look out the foggy window.

It has been raining for hours now and I was beyond exhausted. I'm also very worried about Harry

"Why did you save him.?" My mother asked.

I turned to my mother in disbelief. What kind of fucking question is that..!!?!

"Why wouldn't I.?! " I yelled with my eyes wide open.

"I mean he has been bullying you for 3 years now. I would expect you to not care for him, but it seems to me that you care for him dearly if you decided to save his life while risking yours" she stated making a turn on the main road as we headed home.

"First of all I wouldn't let a human being die if I have a chance to save them. I mean if there wasn't a chance I wouldn't risk it, but there was a chance and I took it." I spatted "and second of on earth do you know that he bullied me.?!"

My mom let out a frustrated sigh and stopped the car.

I hadn't noticed that we were already home. But I didn't get out the car and neither did my mom.

"Well its nice to know that you have a caring heart. " she said collecting her purse in her hand and her phone in the other. "And I know he's been bulling you because Louis told me" she said getting out the car.

Wtf.!!! How.?!

"When did Louis tell you.?"

"He told me yesterday. He immediately came over after he heard what happened at the restaurant. He told me how disappointed he was in you that you went on a date with a guy who's been bulling you and I was utterly confused about what he meant about 'bullying'. Then he explained to me and now I'm wide aware that you've been getting bullied for that past 3 years in a very brutal way and you haven't even told the teacher. How very wise of you" my mother stated sarcastically. Leaving me with a wide opened mouth.

"Oh and I forgot to tell you" she said slowly "Louis is in the house waiting for you. Its nice to know you lost your virginity to him. "

With that she headed into the house. I scurried out the car astonished on how much she knew.
I should've known I couldn't keep it from her forever. Everything eventually gets found out no matter how hard you try to hide it. And I guess that's what just happened to me.

As I walked inside I was feeling all kinds of emotions. I was feeling defeated. I was mad. I was upset. I was angry. I was sad.

I'm aware that those words are the same but they're the only words describing how I felt right now.

One word means more than the other giving more feeling even if they did mean the same thing.

I ran upstairs tired. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Im mad at my mom for knowing everything about me now. I feel so exposed.

Im mad how easily Louis ratted me out. I feel so rejected.

All I needed right now was some rest.

I passed my mothers room and I stopped. I heard whispering on the phone but I didn't know what she was saying.

I stopped and listened closely to what she was saying to someone on the other line

"...helped hospital. I tried.....she'll soon find out...kill h..." I spiked up immediately.

Understanding little bits of what she was saying.

Why did the person on the other line care so much about Harry.?

What does she mean that 'she' would find out.?
And what did she mean by 'kill' h.?

What does 'kill h' mean.
Kill him.? Kill her.? Kill Harry.?

Why on earth would she say that.?!

Maybe I heard differently. I am very sleepy and need to take a nap so maybe I just heard wrong.

"Its not very nice to ease drop."
I heard someone say down the hall. My heart litterlay jumped out of my chest.

I ran up to Louis and slapped him in the head.

"Don't fucking scare me like that you twat."

"I'm sorry Sis. I didn't mean to. But anyways, about that one night...."

"Yea Yea I know. We need to talk about it. "
I cutt him off while heading towards my room.

As I walked in I almost fell. Thank god Louis was behind me.

"Iyla...? What are you doing here"

She turned around with the picture of my mother and I in her hands. She smiled calmly.

"I heard about the fire and I wanted to see if you were alright"
It made me smile to see how caring she was.

"Yea. She found out that I was your best friend and asked me if I could take her to your house" Louis butted in. "And I did. I hope you dong mind."

"No no of course not" I stated.
"And we also need to talk about a few things."

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