Chapter 6: Surprised Meeting

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Back at the hotel, John met Felix downstairs and the look on his face was not a good one.

Felix: What's wrong?

John: We need to go upstairs now. Here is the room key for the driver, we need to go now.

Sara: What's going on? Are we not going to wait for...

Felix: No, let's go. Text him his room number and we leave the key at the front desk.

Felix took Honey and Sara towards the elevator and John followed suit after the key for the driver at the counter. The four of them rode the elevator up to 6th floor, and John was leading them to their rooms. Honey and Sara were worried and wondering what was going on. John opened the room to a two-bed double suite and told Honey and Sara to have a seat on the bed as he locked the door and guided Felix to the corner of the room far away from Honey and Sara.

Felix: (Whispering) What is going on?

John: Your father is here.

Felix: What?

John: Kai is here in this hotel!

Felix: How can that be?

John: I don't know, I saw him with a guy that was not Doc.

Felix: Where did you see them?

John: I saw them in the dining room talking about something.

Felix: Did father see you?

John: No, he didn't.

Felix: Do you know which floor he is on?

John: (Takes a deep breath) He is somewhere on the 4th floor.

Felix: Damn it! This is not good news. Not good at all!

John: We don't even know how long he has been here.

Felix: Sara does. Remember she said that father was here, but because we attacked them, she could not get the intel on his location.

John: Damn! How are we going to fix this? What are we going to do? We have the one person that he wants in our possession.

Felix: It would be risky if father sees all of us. We don't know if he has a lot of men here and...why is Doc not with him?

John: I don't know. Maybe Doc setup the meeting or maybe Kai is trying to build connections to get back what he lost in the last attack.

Felix: Those are all possible reasons, but...

John: But what?

Felix: If father sees Honey and knows that he is Sara's son and pregnant...there's no telling what father would do to them.

John: Are you concerned about Honey more?

Felix: What?

John: You can't lie to me, Felix. I'm not blind, I can see that you are developing feelings for this man. I'm sure Sara sees it too. You are afraid that your father would take Honey away from you like he did your mother.

Felix: Don't! Don't. I will not let father hurt Honey or his unborn child. Honey is the new queen of the Last Breath, and I will raise the child as my own.

John: Are you sure that Honey wants that? We killed most of his family and the father of his child. Do you honestly believe that Honey would be okay being with the man that killed his husband?

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