Chapter 11: Truth Part 1

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Sara was asleep from exhaustion of tending to sick Honey as well as worrying about Taehyung and when they were going to be rescued. She did not hear the gunshots nor Felix dragging Honey to his room. When she woke up at 3pm, she could not believe she slept this long.

She left her room, but Jessie stopped her.

Sara: Why are you stopping me? I want to see my son.

Jessie: I'm sorry, but your son is sleeping, and Felix left instructions to not disturb him.

Sara: Where is Felix? Did his man return with intel on his father?

Jessie: (Gulping) Yes but let me see if Felix is willing to talk to you. You can go to the kitchen to get lunch and I will come get you when Felix says it is ok or not.

Sara went downstairs and noticed that the men were acting strange, and the atmosphere was different. When she entered the kitchen one of the maids saw her and served her a hot lunch. She noticed that there was fear on the maids' faces and she wanted to know why. However, she knows she is not allowed to talk to anyone, Felix, John, and Honey. While she was in the kitchen eating John came through the back door. Sara took a chance and noticed three more men coming in after John.

Sara: John?

John: Oh, I didn't know you were in here.

Sara: I overslept, but I need to talk to you.

John: I'm on my way to see Felix now. What do you want to talk about?

Sara: What is up with the sudden change in the atmosphere here? I see and sense fear. What has happened?

John: (Sighs) It is best for Felix to tell you. If you are done with lunch, then come with me.

Sara got up and followed John to Felix's study where Felix was sitting quietly after reading Jessie's message about Sara wanting to talk to him. When John and Sara entered the room, Felix gave a look to John which John understood that Sara would only receive limited information.

Felix: Jessie informed me that you wanted to see Honey and talk to me.

Sara: Yes, he told me that you said that Honey was sleeping and not to disturb him.

Felix: Yes. I'm sure you are here to what we have learned.

Sara: Yes, I'm curious as to know what your father is doing.

Felix: Well, from the information that we received, father has thirty men with him, and he is living on the outskirts of Seoul.

Sara: What else?

Felix: There is nothing else so far.

Sara: Where is your man?

John: He was killed by Kai's men after being spotted, but he was able to give us this information before his death.

Sara: My God. What are you going to do now?

Felix: I'm going to lure father here and overthrow him. We have more than enough men here to take him. You and Honey will be safe in my room away from this.

Sara: When are you planning on doing this?

Felix: I'm still working on that. For now, don't worry, John and I are working on it and we will tell you and Honey when the day will come.

John opened the door and Jessie came to guide Sara back to her room. There was silence in the room between Felix and John, and John knew something was wrong.

John: What did you do to Honey?

Felix: What?

John: What did you do to Honey? You hurt his arm when he did nothing wrong.

Felix: It cannot leave this room and Honey is not awake yet for me to apologize to him.

John: Explain.

Felix: Blinded by my rage for Ryan, I...

John: "I" what?

Felix: Don't make me say it John, I'm not proud of myself for doing that.

John: (Grasping, sternly speaking) You raped him?

Felix: (Nodding)

John: What were you thinking? Don't you realized what would happen if the Dragon Kings learned of what you did?!

Felix: I'm aware! I'm aware. I must convince Honey not to say anything to his mother.

John: Did you even consider the baby? My God, Felix this is a mess. You could cause him to lose his child.

Felix: Like I said before, I'm not proud of what I have done. I will keep him locked up in our room. Once father is gone, I will take that risk of taking him to the doctor.

After four hours of being alone in the room, Honey begins to wake up. He was in a lot of pain and sees the new clothes and the bandages that he was wearing. Honey rubbed his belly and began to cry silent tears.

Honey: I'm sorry, my child. I didn't protect you from the monster. But daddy is awake now and he will come and get us. I promise you this little one...if daddy doesn't kill the monster, mamma surely will.

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