Chapter 8: The Call and Visit

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After they had finished their dinner, Sara was escorted back to her room by John and Felix locked the door. Honey covered himself under the blankets on the bed as he watched Felix walked over to the lights and turned them off. Honey never broke eye contact as he continued to watched Felix walked over to the sofa after grabbing some blankets for himself. After Felix placed the blankets on the sofa, he went to bathroom with some changing clothes. While Felix was in the bathroom, Honey begins to mediate and concentrate on Taehyung while rubbing his belly and their bonding markings.

After thirty minutes, Felix came out of the bathroom, and fell asleep on the sofa after seeing Honey completely covered in blankets. While everyone was sleeping and the guards guarding the property on the island; an important phone call was made.

Dr. Kim: Hello?

Tracker: Can you talk now?

Dr. Kim: Yes, I can.

Tracker: Good. I have found your patient.

Dr. Kim: (Sighing in relief) That's good news. How is he?

Tracker: He doesn't look too good, and I can tell that the medicine you've gave him is working well.

Dr. Kim: That is good news. The medicine is protecting the little one from any kind of trauma.

Tracker: Does he know that that is the medicine's purpose?

Dr. Kim: Yes, he does know. Are you able to get him out of there?

Tracker: I can get him out, but what about the lady that is with him?

Dr. Kim: A lady?

Tracker: Yes, she has been with him, and she doesn't seem to be a part of the crew.

Dr. Kim: She must be his mother in-law. If you can get them both out that would be great.

Tracker: I can do it. I just need a couple of things from you.

Dr. Kim: What do you need?

Tracker: Have you found his husband yet?

Dr. Kim: Not yet I'm still looking for him. I will call you as soon as I find him.

Tracker: Alright that would give me enough time to do the things that I need to do to free them.

Dr. Kim: Is there anything else you need?

Tracker: Yes, I need to know where the husband wants me to bring them. Until I have that information, I cannot free them right away.

Dr. Kim: I understand. I have taken the next few days off to find him. I know he is alive out there for I have checked the morgues, and no one matches his description.

Tracker: He must be seriously wounded then. Since I know where they are, I will send a resource to you to help search for him. I will continue to follow them and wait for your call.

Dr. Kim: I can't thank you enough, and I do appreciate you taking on this task. I know you were...

Tracker: There is no need to apologize. You know I would do anything to help. Let's end this nightmare for your patient. (Ends the call) Now that I have found you, I will never let you go again. Sit tight and wait for me.

After Dr. Kim got off the phone, he continued his search for Taehyung in several hospitals in the city. With each search resulting in no Taehyung, Dr. Kim started to think outside of the box. He decided that he needs to search hospitals outside of the city. He pulls out a map of the city and the nearby cities and towns that Taehyung could have been taken to. He knew the Lees and have visited their home in Greece when Honey was not around. He found the location of the Lees' property and looked at the surrounding areas.

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