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     NOW, VICTORIA HAD spent enough time with the likes of Brekker, as well as his common companions Fahey and Ghafa.

     And she'd been accustomed with the antics of the Crow Club, as well as their influence through Ketterdam. Impressive really, the way that three mere teenagers were able to have such a grasp on a broken town.

     Victoria worked in the club at the bar, when she wasn't sweeping Ketterdam through shadows with Inej, whom she grew quite close with. Whether that was partially due to the fact that their conversation often sparked from Inej greeting her like a saint and Victoria having to insist for the sixtieth time...

     ..."Inej, for saint's sake, you don't have to call me Sankta Victoria every time we speak." Victoria didn't want to seem harsh, but she came to Ketterdam to make such titles a part of a bygone era. "Victoria, Vi, or even Vick is fine." That wasn't true, she hated being called Vick. Mainly because Aleksander grew up calling her that, another thing she left to her past.

     Inej sighed, before speaking, "You're a saint, and it's good manners, Vi." The Suli girl was always holding her religion close, Victoria had to admit she admired it, truly. She just grew tired of being called a saint, it felt like too much of a commitment to be this person everyone expects you to be just because of something in every person - blood.

     Victoria acknowledged her response, not really having anything else to say. Her shift began in ten minutes and she had to bring her stolen goods to Kaz, before serving drunk idiots more drinks than is good for them. It didn't matter, it meant they were feeble with their money and gave the Crows more of it.


     "Nice painting you have there. Thought I heard about it being stolen." Victoria strolled into Kaz's office, holding a bag of stolen riches and tossing it onto his desk. "Have at it, I'm heading to bartend." The Shadow Summoner adjusted her gloves, before turning back to the bastard.

     "And there's no jobs that I heard. Inej? I'm not sure if she found anything. Nothing from the likes of the normal people, anyway." Victoria informed. Whilst Inej would follow the unsuspecting higher-ups in the barrel to find high-paying jobs, Victoria kept to the down-lows, listening for jobs from desperate residents who were willing to hold life long debts for a job.

     Kaz nodded, opening the bag to find an incredulous amount of swiped jewellery, he was sure he could pinpoint each stall from which they came from. But as usual, once he went to ask any questions, the woman had joined the shadows once more.


     Bang. A loud noise came from one of the tables, and Victoria could guess which of the people it was, Jesper. The Crow with a knack for bullets and an attitude worse than the female Morozova.

     After quickly serving drinks to the intoxicated men, Victoria made her way to the table, to find a writhing man being pulled away by Dregs. She could guess the situation with enough detail to not need to visit, but she had an excuse to swipe any remaining coin from the fraudster, or she assumed as much, and swiped a pouch seamlessly, pocketing it.

     The Zemeni sharpshooter had a celebratory grin and went to reach for the abandoned riches on the table, before the golden end of a cane snapped before his fingers. On the other end of a cane was an unimpressed club owner, Kaz, who shook his head and pressed his lips to a hard line.

     "No loud noises at the table, Jesper. You'll scare off the pigeons." The man stared down at his friend, who trembled a little. Even his friends could be terrified.

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