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     VICTORIA WAS NEVER fond of the Fold. Her brother forged it from anger and she was attacked inside its very walls. Either way, she didn't like it.

So travelling through it again? It was bound to lead her to a reaction like this. She knew that, but the other Crows didn't.

As Inej and Jesper went with Arken to find somewhere to stay as they came up with their next move, Victoria left the train swiftly and made her way through the streets. There wasn't initially a destination, it was more just a walk to try and force her horrors out of her head once more, her trauma having been renewed.

"Want to tell me what that was?" Kaz, at a surprising speed, caught up to the Shadow Summoner, who at the moment wanted nothing to do with him.

Victoria knew the Fold was suicide, they were lucky to make it out in this state. Kaz's obsession with being better than Pekka Rollins and getting the one million kruge before him led her to have to go through the Fold with them. This whole thing would've been easier if she'd gone alone.

     "Not particularly, no." Victoria didn't bother to turn back or wait for the man, she just kept walking and hoped he'd go to the rest of the Crows. She was a wreck in the Fold, she knew that much. Whilst everyone was in a state of panic, she looked like she was being ripped from the inside out.

     "You're terrified of the Fold, it doesn't make sense. You're a Shadow Summoner, why would you, of all people, be afraid of it? If it's more dangerous than we know already, you need to tell us Victoria." He continued on. In his mind, it would be a place like any other to her.

     "Leave it alone, Kaz." She told him, tensing as he finally caught up.

     "No. Not until you tell me why you're afraid of the Fold. Before this you were insisting you go alone and then you react like that?" Victoria tensed again, more so this time.

     "I'm not telling you why." The Shadow Summoner kept walking, Kaz sticking beside her. Saints, he was stubborn.

     "Yes, you are." He ordered, and Victoria glared at him harshly.

     "I'll give it to you straight, Brekker." She seethed, every rational part of her screaming at her to stop.

     "I got attacked in the Fold, by volcra. When I fled Ravka and made my way to Kerch. It's why I have haphephobia and why I have nightmares and why everything else is wrong with me!" Her voice ran away with her, and just like that, he knew everything she had to tell him. Other than the fact that she was centuries old and her brother was the one who created the Fold.

     Kaz straightened his posture as best as he could, keeping a fairly straight face the whole time.

     "There you go, my life laid out to you. I hope you're pleased." With that, Victoria stormed off, slipping into the shadows as a sense of comfort, though sometimes she wondered whether it was comfort she felt, or if she was just caught up with the fact that it felt familiar.


wc: 538

angsty Kaztoria coz I feel like it 😋

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