Chapter 12

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**Shana's POV**

I was having a blast with the girls. We were laughing and gossiping as we shopped and then went to the movies. I was starting to feel like I was finally part of the group, like I belonged.

But as we left the theater, I felt a sense of unease. Something didn't feel right.

And then, out of nowhere, people in masks appeared. They grabbed Shameka and me, pulling us away from the others.

I tried to struggle, but they were too strong. I kicked and screamed, but no one came to help.

As we were dragged away, I saw Lilith trying to get away, but she was shot in the legs. She fell to the ground, crying out in pain.

I was terrified. What was happening? Why were these people taking us?

And then, everything went black.

**Shameka's POV**

I knew something was off as soon as we left the movie theater. The guys in masks seemed suspicious, but Shana seemed to think it was just a prank.

But as they grabbed us and pulled us away from the others, I knew we were in trouble.

I struggled and kicked, trying to get free, but they were too strong.

As we were dragged away, I saw Lilith getting shot in the legs. She fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

I felt a surge of adrenaline as I realized we were in real danger. Who were these people? And why had they taken us?

As everything went black, I thought about Matthew and the others. Had they set this up? Was this some kind of trap?

**Lilith's POV**

I felt a searing pain as I was shot in the legs. I fell to the ground, my vision blurring around the edges.

As I looked up, I saw Shana and Shameka being dragged away by the masked men. I tried to scream for help, but my voice was hoarse and weak.

I lay there, helpless and wounded, as they disappeared into the night.

I thought about Matthew and his friends. Had they set this up? Was this some kind of test?

*To Be Continued...*

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