Chapter 15

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**Matthew's POV**

I stood outside the abandoned warehouse, scanning the surrounding area for any sign of Rachel or the others. It was taking longer than I expected for them to arrive, and my patience was wearing thin.

I checked my watch for what felt like the hundredth time, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. What if Shana and Shameka were already gone for good? What if they were being held captive, or worse?

Just as I was starting to lose hope, I saw a familiar figure emerging from the shadows. Rachel. She looked like she'd been running, her face set in a determined expression.

"Matthew," she said, her voice breathless. "I've got news."

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"The guys who took them are affiliated with a rival gang," she said. "They're called the Vipers."

My grip on my phone tightened. The Vipers were notorious for their brutal tactics. If they had Shana and Shameka, we were in for a fight.

"What do you know about their operation?" I asked, my mind racing with strategies.

Rachel pulled out a folder filled with documents and photographs. "I managed to get some intel before they cut off our communication lines," she said. "It seems they're planning something big, something that involves several of our associates."

My eyes narrowed. "What kind of something?"

Rachel hesitated before speaking. "It looks like they're planning to take down our entire organization. And they're using Shana and Shameka as leverage."

My gut twisted with rage. This was getting personal. "We need to move fast," I said, my voice cold and deadly.

**Alexander's POV**

I watched from across the street as Matthew and Rachel conferenced outside the abandoned warehouse. I had been waiting for what felt like hours, keeping an eye on them while trying to make sense of the situation.

As a member of the Vipers, I had been tasked with taking down Matthew's organization from the inside out. But something about this felt off. The way Rachel seemed so anxious to get involved, the way Matthew's eyes seemed to burn with a fierce determination... it all added up to one thing: these people were trouble.

I pulled out my phone and dialed a number, trying to get in touch with my contact within Matthew's organization. We needed to adjust our plans if we were going to stay ahead of him.

As I waited for a response, I couldn't help but wonder what Shana and Shameka had done to deserve this fate. Were they involved in something big? Or had they just gotten caught in the crossfire?

Whatever the reason, I knew one thing: we couldn't let them fall into Matthew's hands. Not without a fight.

**Dantae's POV**

I sat in the shadows, watching as Alexander made his call. He was one of ours, but there was something about him that didn't sit right with me.

As I watched him confer with his contact, I couldn't help but wonder what he was planning. Were we going to take down Matthew's organization? Or were we just going to play it smart and let him take care of it himself?

I didn't trust Alexander as far as I could throw him. But at the same time, he was one of our own... and we couldn't afford to lose him.

As the call ended and Alexander turned back to his surveillance of Matthew and Rachel, I knew one thing: it was time for me to take matters into my own hands.

I slipped out of the shadows and made my way towards Alexander, my eyes locked on his back.

"Time for us to get moving," I said, my voice low and deadly.

Alexander turned, his eyes narrowing as he took in my presence.

"What do you want?" he asked, his tone wary.

"I want in on whatever plan you have cooking," I said. "And I'm not leaving until we get Shana and Shameka back."

Alexander's expression didn't change... but something flickered in his eyes before he nodded curtly.

"Alright," he said. "Let's get started."

And with that, our unlikely alliance was born...

*To Be Continued...*

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