Chapter 23

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**Dantae's POV**

As I lay there, feeling the warmth of Shameka's hand in mine, I couldn't help but think about how close I had come to losing her. Scar's betrayal still stung, and I couldn't believe he would go to such lengths to get what he wanted.

But as I looked up at Shameka, I saw something in her eyes that gave me hope. It was a love so strong, so pure, that it filled my heart with warmth.

I tried to speak, but my voice was weak. "Shameka," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Shameka's eyes locked onto mine, and I could see the love shining back at me. "I'm here," she whispered back.

I smiled weakly, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. As long as Shameka was by my side, everything would be okay.

Rachel and Alexander were tending to Scar's men, making sure they didn't cause any more harm. Shana was standing guard, her eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble.

And then, suddenly, it hit me - Scar's betrayal had been a ruse. He had planned all along to use us to get to the artifact, and then eliminate us once he had it.

I felt a surge of anger and determination. We had to stop him. We had to make sure he didn't get his hands on the artifact.

Shameka's grip on my hand tightened as she sensed my tension. "What is it?" she whispered.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "Scar," I said. "He wasn't working alone. He had help."

Shameka's eyes narrowed. "Who?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "But we need to find out."

Shameka nodded, her determination mirroring mine. "Let's do it."

Together, we sat up, our eyes locked on the door. We knew what we had to do. We had to stop Scar and whoever was behind him before they could carry out their plan.

And we were ready to do whatever it took to make that happen.

**Rachel's POV**

As Dantae and Shameka sat up, their determination evident on their faces, I knew that we were in this together. We had come a long way since we first met each other, and we had been through so much together.

Alexander nodded at us from across the room. "We're with you," he said.

Shana stepped forward, her eyes flashing with anger. "We'll take down anyone who gets in our way."

I smiled grimly. "Let's do this."

Together, we formed a united front, ready to face whatever lay ahead. We knew that Scar was just the beginning - there were more out there who wanted what he wanted. But we were ready for them.

We were a team.

And nothing could stop us now.

*To Be Continued...*

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