**Chapter 14: Collision in Poland**

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The roads of Poland stretched out before the Power Patrol's car as they journeyed onward, the landscape rolling by in a blur. Inside the vehicle, conversation ebbed and flowed, the team occasionally discussing their next moves or the implications of Johnny's recent revelation about jine abilities.

Suddenly, the tranquility shattered as their car collided with another vehicle at an intersection. The impact was jarring, sending them all lurching forward in their seats. As they steadied themselves, they realized the cause of the crash—a figure emerging from the wreckage, unmistakable in his hardened stone form.

"Denton!" Donald bellowed, his voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

Denton Colossus stood before them, his eyes cold and calculating. "Donald, fancy meeting you here. Did you miss me?"

Johnny stepped out of the car, his expression serious. "Stay back, everyone. This is between the Colossus brothers."

Emma, ever the peacemaker, tried to reason with Denton. "Denton, why are you doing this? You don't have to be our enemy."

Denton laughed bitterly. "Oh, but I do. You see, I've realized the potential of our abilities, Emma. Why settle for mediocrity when we can rule? Join me, and together we can reshape the world!"

Donald clenched his fists, his stone body crackling with energy. "You've always been delusional, Denton. I won't let you harm anyone."

With a roar, Donald charged at Denton, their clash shaking the ground beneath them. Stone met stone as they exchanged powerful blows, each strike resonating with the force of their jine abilities.

Steve, ever impulsive, couldn't resist joining the fray. He unleashed a barrage of sonic blasts from his guitar, aiming to disrupt Denton's concentration. The blasts reverberated through the air, adding to the chaos of their confrontation.

Juliet observed the fight with keen eyes, analyzing their movements for any advantage. She signaled to Jose, who nodded in understanding. Together, they coordinated their tactics, ready to support Donald if needed.

Emma hovered close by, vines extending from her wrist in a show of support for Donald. She hoped against hope that Denton could be reasoned with, but his determination to dominate overshadowed any chance of reconciliation.

As the battle intensified, Donald's experience and resolve began to tip the scales in his favor. With a final, decisive blow, he shattered Denton's stone armor, leaving his brother vulnerable and stunned on the ground.

Steve approached cautiously, his guitar at the ready. "Is he...?"

Johnny nodded, his voice heavy with resignation. "He's unconscious, but alive. We'll have to secure him until we figure out what to do next."

The team regrouped, their adrenaline still pumping from the encounter. Despite the victory, the realization hung heavy in the air—they were not alone in possessing jine abilities, and their adversaries could be closer than they thought.

"We need to find out who Denton's been working with," Johnny declared, his voice cutting through the tension. "There's more to this than just sibling rivalry."

With Denton restrained and their car in need of repairs, the Power Patrol prepared to continue their journey through Poland. The encounter had left them shaken but resolved to confront whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to protect the world from misuse of jine abilities.

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