Chapter 42: Time Requiem Part 4

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Darwin Dawson grinned, clearly enjoying the chaos he was causing. The Power Patrol was struggling to land a hit, and every attempt was met with a quick counter as Darwin stopped time, repositioned, and struck with brutal efficiency.
Steve Thompson, leader of the Power Patrol, was bleeding from a cut above his eye but refused to back down. "We need to get him off balance," he shouted to his team.
Sandra Jennings tried to use her telekinesis to pin Darwin down, but he was too fast, slipping out of her grasp each time. "It's like he's always one step ahead," she muttered, frustrated.

Henry Bellinger, his armor at 95%, was taking a beating. His movements were slower compared to Darwin's, who seemed to appear and disappear at will.
Henry struggled to keep up, feeling the weight of the fight pressing down on him.
Petr Petrov, conscious and determined, watched Darwin's movements closely.
"We need to hit him where it hurts," Petr said, positioning himself strategically.
Darwin stopped time once again, appearing behind Steve with a cocky smirk. But this time, Steve was ready.
As time resumed, Steve unleashed a powerful sonic blast, the sound waves tearing through the air and hitting Darwin directly. The force of the blast sent Darwin flying across the room, directly towards Petr.

With a fierce grin, Petr grabbed Darwin by the ankle in mid-air. "Gotcha," he growled, swinging Darwin with all his might and smashing him into the nearest wall. The impact was bone-crushing, and Darwin gasped in pain.
Before Darwin could recover, Henry was on him. "This is for Himari," Henry shouted, his voice filled with rage and determination. His armor now at 100%, Henry was an unstoppable force. He landed punch after punch, each blow fueled by the memory of their fallen comrade.
Darwin tried to stop time, but Henry's relentless assault was too much. Each time Darwin attempted to slip away, Henry's enhanced speed and strength kept him pinned down. The once cocky and untouchable Darwin was now on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown.

Finally, Henry landed a devastating blow to Darwin's face, knocking him out cold. The room fell silent, the fight over.
The Power Patrol stood victorious, but the cost of their victory weighed heavily on them.
Steve stepped forward, placing a hand on Henry's shoulder. "You did good, kid," he said, offering a rare moment of genuine praise.
Sandra, her eyes filled with both relief and sadness, moved to stand beside Henry. "We did it," she whispered, her voice trembling.
Petr crossed his arms, his usual arrogance momentarily subdued. "We still have a job to do," he reminded them. "The ultimate being is still out there."

As they prepared to move forward, a sense of resolve settled over the team.
They had lost one of their own, but they were determined to see their mission through to the end.
The Power Patrol, battered but unbroken, continued their journey, knowing the toughest battles were yet to come.

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