**Chapter 29: Tracking Down Vladimir**

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The search for Vladimir Krushnev had led the newly reformed Power Patrol to a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs of Washington D.C. The trail had been long and winding, but their determination had brought them to a nondescript house that seemed far too ordinary for a man like Vladimir to call home.

"This is the place," Steve said, looking at the house. "Remember, he's dangerous. Stay alert."

Henry, Sandra, and Himari nodded, their expressions serious. The team moved quietly, approaching the house from different angles. Steve signaled for Henry to take the lead, his jine armor starting to form as they neared the front door.

Inside, they could hear the faint sounds of someone moving about. Henry took a deep breath and kicked the door open, his armored foot splintering the wood. They rushed in, fanning out to cover all exits.

Vladimir, caught off guard, tried to make a break for it, but Himari was too quick, intercepting him with a well-placed kick that sent him sprawling. As Vladimir tried to recover, he activated his invisibility, disappearing from sight.

"Don't let him escape!" Steve shouted. "He can only stay invisible for two minutes!"

Henry closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds and movements around him. His knight's armor gave him enhanced senses, and he could almost feel the air shifting as Vladimir moved. With a sudden burst of speed, Henry swung his armored fist to his right, connecting with an invisible force.

Vladimir reappeared, crashing into a wall and sliding to the floor. Henry quickly pinned him down, his armor clinking with every movement. Sandra and Himari stood ready, watching for any tricks.

Steve approached, his expression serious. "We need information, Vladimir. Where is Petr Petrov?"

Vladimir chuckled weakly, looking up at Steve. "You think I'll just give that up?"

Steve's eyes narrowed. "You will if you want to walk out of here in one piece."

Henry applied more pressure, his armored hand pressing down on Vladimir's chest. The spy winced, realizing he had no choice.

"Alright, alright," Vladimir conceded, breathing heavily. "He's in a Siberian prison. I can give you the coordinates."

Steve nodded, stepping back. "Good. Now, write it down."

Vladimir complied, scribbling the coordinates on a piece of paper. As Steve took it, he signaled for the others to keep an eye on Vladimir.

With the coordinates in hand, Steve turned to the team. "We have what we need. Let's get out of here."

They left the house, Vladimir still pinned to the floor, and made their way back to their vehicle. As they drove away, Steve looked at the coordinates, feeling a mix of relief and determination.

"We're one step closer," he said. "Let's get ready for Siberia."

The team nodded, the weight of their mission settling in as they prepared for the next leg of their journey.

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