**Chapter 32: Sparring Sessions**

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In a remote clearing surrounded by dense forest, the Power Patrol set up a makeshift training ground. The fresh snowfall blanketed the area in a serene, white silence, contrasting sharply with the intense training that was about to take place.

Steve stood at the edge of the clearing, watching as the team prepared. "Alright, everyone," he called out, clapping his hands to get their attention. "We need to be in top shape if we're going to take down the Ultimate Being. Today, we're sparring. Henry, you'll go first."

Henry stepped forward, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had come a long way in mastering his jine ability, and now it was time to put his training to the test.

First up was Sandra. She floated a few feet off the ground, her telekinesis ready. Henry took a deep breath, feeling the familiar weight of his knight's armor beginning to grow. With a swift motion, Sandra hurled a barrage of rocks at him. Henry dodged and deflected them with ease, closing the distance between them. He feinted left, then darted right, catching Sandra off guard and knocking her to the ground gently.

"Good job, Henry," Steve said with a nod. "Next up, Himari."

Himari cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face. "Let's see what you've got, kid."

The two circled each other, the tension palpable. Himari moved first, his enhanced speed and reflexes making him a blur. Henry's armor grew, matching Himari's strength. They exchanged blows, the sound of their strikes echoing through the clearing. Despite Himari's speed, Henry's growing armor and strength gave him the edge. With a well-timed punch, he sent Himari sprawling to the ground.

"Impressive," Himari said, picking himself up and dusting off the snow. "You've got potential."

Steve stepped forward, guitar in hand. "My turn, Henry."

Henry's armor continued to grow as he faced Steve. Steve strummed a chord, sending a sonic blast towards Henry. Henry raised his shield, blocking the blast, but the force still pushed him back. They continued to spar, Steve's blasts growing stronger and more precise. Despite his best efforts, Henry couldn't land a decisive blow on Steve.

"Nice try, kid," Steve said, a smirk on his face. "But you've still got a lot to learn."

Finally, it was Petr's turn. He stood in the center of the clearing, his presence commanding and powerful. The team watched in awe as Henry approached him.

"Let's see what you're made of," Petr said, his voice calm and steady.

Henry charged, his armor at full strength. Petr didn't move. As Henry swung his sword, Petr caught it effortlessly, his eyes glowing red. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Henry flying backwards, crashing into a snowbank.

"You rely too much on your strength," Petr said, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment. "You need to think. Use your surroundings. Adapt."

Henry struggled to his feet, his body aching. He nodded, understanding Petr's lesson. "I'll do better," he promised.

Petr looked at the rest of the team. "You all need to be at your best. The Ultimate Being is not someone to be taken lightly."

The team nodded, their resolve strengthened. They knew they had a long way to go, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the sun set behind the trees, casting long shadows across the snow, the Power Patrol continued their training, determined to become the heroes the world needed them to be.

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