**Chapter 34: A Bumpy Ride**

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Steve Thompson led the group through the bustling airport, his guitar slung over his shoulder. Beside him, Henry Bellinger looked around wide-eyed, taking in the sights and sounds of their surroundings. Sandra Jennings, ever quiet, stuck close to Henry, her eyes darting nervously. Himari Hayashi walked confidently, laughing at Steve's frequent jokes, while Petr Petrov kept to himself, a slight smirk on his face as he observed the others.

"Alright, team," Steve said, clapping his hands together as they reached the check-in counter. "Let's get these tickets and head to Tehran."

The attendant at the counter smiled politely. "Good afternoon. May I see your passports and tickets, please?"

Steve handed over a stack of passports. The attendant's eyes widened as she flipped through them. "All of you are traveling together?"

"Yep, one big happy family," Steve replied with a grin.

As the attendant processed their tickets, Henry nudged Steve. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Steve laughed. "Relax, kid. We're just flying to Tehran, not storming the gates of hell. Yet."

Their bags checked, they moved to security. Henry stepped through the metal detector first, the machine beeping loudly. The guard looked at Henry suspiciously.

"Do you have any metal objects on you?" the guard asked.

Henry looked sheepish. "Uh, just my armor?"

Steve groaned. "Henry, you have to take that off before going through."

Henry sheepishly removed his belt and stepped through again. This time, the detector remained silent.

Next was Sandra. As she walked through, a guard approached, looking at her bag suspiciously. "What's in the bag, miss?"

Sandra hesitated. "Um, just books."

The guard opened the bag and pulled out a massive tome. "What is this?"

Sandra blushed. "Research."

Himari chuckled. "She likes to be prepared."

Petr was last. The guard took one look at his imposing figure and decided not to ask too many questions. Steve gave Petr a thumbs up. "Smooth, big guy."

Once through security, they headed to their gate. Steve led the way, stopping at every kiosk to browse the snacks. He turned to the group, holding up a packet of gummy bears. "Anyone want some?"

Himari rolled his eyes. "We're about to fight the Ultimate Being's disciples, and you're worried about gummy bears?"

Steve grinned. "Hey, even heroes need snacks."

Finally, they reached the gate. As they waited to board, Henry turned to Sandra. "Are you excited?"

Sandra nodded, though she looked nervous. "Yeah, just... a little scared."

Henry smiled reassuringly. "We'll be fine. We have each other."

The boarding announcement came over the intercom, and they made their way onto the plane. Settling into their seats, Steve took the window, with Henry beside him. Himari and Sandra sat behind them, while Petr sat alone, his brooding expression drawing the occasional curious glance from other passengers.

As the plane took off, Steve leaned back and closed his eyes. "Get some rest, everyone. We've got a long journey ahead."

Henry tried to sleep but found himself too nervous. He turned to Steve. "Do you really think we can do this?"

Steve opened one eye and smirked. "Kid, we're the Power Patrol. We can do anything."

Himari leaned over the seat. "Just remember, Henry, the key is to stay calm and focused. We've got your back."

Sandra nodded in agreement. "We're in this together."

As the plane soared through the sky, the team drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the challenges ahead. They didn't know what awaited them in Tehran, but they were ready to face it together.

The Power Patrol was back, and they were stronger than ever.

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