### Chapter 35: Isaak Ivanov's Final Escapade Part 1

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The Power Patrol had just settled into their temporary base in Tehran. The team was on high alert, preparing for their next move. Steve, Henry, Sandra, Himari, and Petr were strategizing when the room suddenly filled with a faint, metallic scent.

Steve's eyes widened in alarm. "Zinc gas!" he shouted, but it was too late. Petr stumbled, his superhuman strength failing him as he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

From the shadows, a tall, gaunt figure stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and resignation. Isaak Ivanov, once a feared enemy, now looked like a ghost of his former self.

"Isaak," Steve spat, his voice filled with anger and surprise. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Isaak's lips curled into a bitter smile. "I see my reputation precedes me. I'm here to put a screw in your grand plan, Steve." He paused, taking a deep breath. "I have stage 4 lung cancer. I'm dying."

The room fell silent as the gravity of Isaak's revelation sank in. The once brilliant and invincible Isaak Ivanov was now a man on the brink of death, driven by desperation.

Isaak's gaze swept across the team, lingering for a moment on each member before returning to Steve. "I have nothing left to lose. If I can't live, then I will ensure my legacy remains untarnished. I won't let you succeed."

Steve's jaw clenched. "This isn't the way, Isaak. We can help you. There are other ways to leave a legacy."

Isaak shook his head. "It's too late for that. This is the only way I know."

Before anyone could react, Isaak's hands flickered, and a series of small, glowing orbs appeared around him. His jine ability, the power to create and manipulate bombs, was as terrifying as ever.

Henry stepped forward, his armor beginning to form around him. "We won't let you do this," he said, his voice steady.

Isaak's eyes narrowed. "Then you'll die trying."

With that, the fight began. Isaak launched his bombs with precision, each one aimed to incapacitate rather than kill. Henry's armor absorbed the blasts, but the force pushed him back. Sandra used her telekinesis to deflect the bombs away from the team, but Isaak's relentless assault was overwhelming.

Himari darted forward, his enhanced speed and reflexes allowing him to dodge Isaak's attacks. He managed to land a punch, but Isaak quickly retaliated with an explosion that sent Himari crashing into a wall.

Steve, seeing his team struggling, stepped up, his guitar in hand. He strummed a chord, sending a concentrated sonic blast towards Isaak. Isaak countered with a bomb, the explosion and sonic blast meeting in mid-air, creating a shockwave that rattled the entire room.

Isaak smirked, clearly enjoying the challenge. "You're all strong, but it won't be enough."

Steve glared at him. "We'll see about that."

The fight continued, each side giving their all. Isaak's bombs were relentless, but the Power Patrol refused to back down. They fought with everything they had, knowing that Isaak's desperation made him even more dangerous.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that Isaak was weakening. His attacks were becoming less precise, and his breathing was labored. But he fought on, driven by a fierce determination to see his mission through.

In a desperate move, Isaak created a massive bomb, its glow lighting up the entire room. "This ends now!" he shouted, preparing to detonate it.

The Power Patrol braced themselves, ready for whatever came next. The tension was palpable as they stared down their foe, knowing that this fight was far from over.

**To be continued...**

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