### Chapter 37: Isaak Ivanov's Final Escapade Part 3

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The air was thick with tension and the smell of smoke. Steve Thompson, leader of the Power Patrol, wiped sweat from his brow and strummed his guitar, sending out another powerful sonic blast. Isaak Ivanov dodged nimbly, his eyes gleaming with determination. The battle was taking its toll on both sides, but Isaak's cunning and relentless attacks kept the Power Patrol on edge.

Steve aimed another sonic wave at Isaak, but in a moment of sheer luck, Isaak hurled a bomb directly at him. The explosion was deafening, and Steve was thrown backward, crashing into the rubble. His guitar fell from his hands, and he lay there, dazed and injured.

"Steve!" Sandra Jennings cried out, her telekinesis forming a protective barrier around her and the fallen leader. She glanced at Henry, who was now the team's last hope. "Henry, you have to stop him!"

Henry Bellinger, the youngest member of the team, faced Isaak with a fierce determination. His armor glowed brighter with each passing moment, its power increasing as the battle raged on. He knew he had to push himself to the limit to protect his friends and stop Isaak.

Isaak smirked, his hands crackling with energy as he created another bomb. "You really think you can take me down, kid?" he taunted, his voice filled with confidence.

Henry clenched his fists, feeling the power of his jine ability coursing through him. "I don't think, Isaak. I know," he replied, his voice steady and filled with resolve.

The fight continued, with Henry and Isaak exchanging blows and dodging attacks. Henry's armor continued to gain strength, his movements becoming faster and more precise. Sandra used her telekinesis to deflect some of Isaak's bombs, but it was clear she was struggling to keep up.

Himari Hayashi, with his enhanced speed and reflexes, darted in and out of the battle, trying to find an opening to land a decisive blow. But Isaak's bombs were relentless, and every time Himari got close, he was forced to retreat.

As the fight wore on, Isaak's frustration grew. "Why won't you just stay down?" he shouted, throwing a particularly powerful bomb at Henry. The explosion rocked the room, but Henry emerged from the smoke, his armor glowing even brighter.

"Because I'm not done yet," Henry said, his voice strong and unwavering. He could feel his armor reaching its peak power. Every hit he took, every ounce of energy he expended, brought him closer to his full potential.

Isaak's eyes widened as he saw the transformation taking place. "Impossible," he muttered, creating another bomb in a desperate attempt to stop Henry.

But Henry was ready. With a roar of determination, he charged at Isaak, his armor now shimmering with an almost blinding light. He dodged the bomb, closing the distance between them in an instant.

Isaak tried to create another bomb, but Henry was too fast. He landed a powerful punch, sending Isaak staggering backward. "You're finished, Isaak," Henry said, his voice filled with confidence.

Isaak's eyes darted around, looking for an escape, but there was none. Henry's relentless assault left him with no room to maneuver. He could feel his strength waning, his bombs becoming weaker and less effective.

As the fight reached its climax, Henry felt his armor reach its final stage. The power was overwhelming, his senses heightened to superhuman levels. He knew this was his moment, the turning point in the battle.

With a final burst of energy, Henry launched himself at Isaak, landing a series of powerful blows that left Isaak reeling. The room seemed to tremble with the force of their clash, but it was clear who was winning.

Isaak, battered and bruised, could barely stand. He looked at Henry with a mix of fear and respect. "How... how are you this strong?" he gasped, struggling to catch his breath.

Henry took a step forward, his armor now glowing at its maximum power. "Because I have something worth fighting for," he said, his voice steady. "My friends, my team... they give me the strength to keep going."

Isaak fell to his knees, his body unable to take any more punishment. "This... this can't be happening," he muttered, his vision blurring.

Henry stood tall, his eyes locked on Isaak. "It's over, Isaak," he said, his voice firm. "You've lost."

As the chapter drew to a close, Henry announced his achievement, his voice echoing through the room. "Ninety-five percent," he said, his armor shimmering with power. "I'm at ninety-five percent."

The fight was far from over, but Henry's newfound strength gave the Power Patrol hope. They knew that with Henry leading the charge, they had a fighting chance to win.

**To be continued...**

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