### Chapter 45: Final Battle Part 2

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The room crackled with energy as the fight resumed, the ultimate being's presence dominating the space. Steve Thompson led the charge, his sonic blasts reverberating off the walls as he aimed to disorient and damage their formidable opponent.

The ultimate being moved with effortless grace, sidestepping the blasts and retaliating with a force that shook the foundation of the building. "Impressive," he mused, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "You are more resilient than I expected."

Henry Bellinger, clad in his shimmering armor, joined the fray, announcing, "Armor at 80%!" He swung his unbreakable sword, its edge slicing through the air with deadly precision. The ultimate being deflected the strike with a casual flick of his wrist, the force sending Henry skidding backward.

Sandra Jennings focused her telekinesis, lifting debris and hurling it with deadly accuracy. The ultimate being swatted the projectiles aside, but Sandra's efforts forced him to stay on the defensive. "You have potential, girl," he acknowledged, his eyes glinting with a mix of respect and amusement.

Himari Hayashi moved in, his time-slowing ability allowing him to deliver a flurry of strikes. Each blow landed with the force of a sledgehammer, but the ultimate being absorbed the hits, his body barely registering the impacts. "A noble effort, but futile," he declared, grabbing Himari by the arm and tossing him across the room.

Steve and Henry regrouped, their eyes locking in silent communication. "We need to work together," Steve said, his voice urgent. "He can't counter all of us at once."

Henry nodded, his armor now at 85%. "On your signal."

Steve unleashed a powerful sonic blast, aiming to create an opening. The ultimate being braced himself, absorbing the attack with a grimace. Henry charged in, his sword glowing with an ethereal light. He swung with all his might, the blade cutting through the air toward the ultimate being's midsection.

The ultimate being twisted, avoiding the strike by a hair's breadth. "You are skilled," he admitted, "but skill alone won't save you."

Sandra, seizing the moment, used her telekinesis to bind the ultimate being's limbs, straining with the effort. "Now, Henry!" she shouted.

Henry didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, his sword aimed at the ultimate being's heart. But the ultimate being's raw power was too much; he broke free of Sandra's hold with a surge of energy, grabbing Henry's wrist and stopping the blade mere inches from his chest.

"You have heart," the ultimate being said, his grip tightening. "But heart won't win this battle."

The chapter ended with the ultimate being standing tall, the Power Patrol regrouping for another assault. The battle was far from over, and the ultimate being's formidable strength left them with an uphill fight.

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