**Chapter 27: The Recruit**

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The scent of sizzling burgers and fries filled the air as Steve and Henry pulled up to the Burger King drive-thru. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue over the fast-food joint. Henry fidgeted nervously in the passenger seat, glancing at Steve, who seemed relaxed, if not a little impatient.

"This is the place?" Henry asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Steve nodded. "Sandra Jennings. She's got a powerful jine ability. Telekinesis. We need her."

Henry looked back at the drive-thru window, where a young girl with brown hair tied back in a ponytail handed out orders with practiced efficiency. She seemed so ordinary, yet Steve insisted she was anything but.

They pulled up to the window. Sandra glanced at them, her expression bored. "Welcome to Burger King. Can I take your order?"

Steve leaned out the window. "We're not here for burgers. We're here for you, Sandra."

Her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise. "Excuse me?"

Henry, sensing the awkwardness, tried to help. "We need your help, Sandra. We're forming a new team. The Power Patrol. To fight the Ultimate Being."

Sandra's eyes darted around, checking to see if anyone was listening. "You can't be serious. I'm working."

Steve smirked. "You're more than a fast-food worker, Sandra. You have telekinesis. You can move things with your mind. We need you."

Sandra's gaze hardened. "And why should I believe you? Or leave everything behind for some crazy mission?"

Henry spoke up, his voice earnest. "Because we can make a difference. Because you have a gift, and we need your help to stop something truly terrible."

There was a pause. Sandra looked at Henry, a flicker of recognition in her eyes. She sighed. "Meet me out back in ten minutes."


In the alley behind the Burger King, Sandra emerged, still in her uniform. She glanced around nervously before approaching Steve and Henry.

"Alright," she said, crossing her arms. "Talk."

Steve nodded to Henry, giving him the floor. "Sandra, we're facing an incredible threat. The Ultimate Being. It killed everyone I knew, and now it's threatening the world. We're forming a new Power Patrol to stop it."

Sandra frowned. "And you think I can help?"

Steve nodded. "You're strong. And we need all the strength we can get."

Sandra's eyes softened as she looked at Henry. "I've seen what's been happening. The world's changing. If what you say is true, I can't just stay here and do nothing."

Henry smiled, relieved. "So you'll join us?"

Sandra hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I'll join you. But if this goes sideways, I'm out."

Steve clapped his hands together. "Welcome to the team, Sandra."

As they walked away from the fast-food joint, Henry felt a surge of hope. With Sandra on their side, they were one step closer to reforming the Power Patrol and facing the Ultimate Being. For the first time in a long while, he felt that victory might just be within their grasp.

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