Why Can't I Love Who I Want To? {4}

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When the song was over I pulled away from Chresanto. He looked into my eyes. He was leaning in. I felt myself leaning in too. And...

*Story continued*

And I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt sparks and I hope he felt them too. Chresanto was kissing me and I liked it.

Then I pulled away, not knowing why. Chresanto just looked at me. I looked at him.

Then in the corner of my eye I saw Jacob walking up to us. "Dude, did you just kiss my sister?!" He said angrily. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me. It was like we were-" He said looking at me. " Meant to be." We said at the same time.

"Chres! You kissed my sister!" Jacob yelled. He was getting angrier and angrier. Then Merlia walked up. "Jacob! Calm down." She said touching his arm. "Chres has to see you kiss his sister everyday. So calm down." She said looking into his eyes. Jacob immediately calmed down somewhat.

Jacob and Merlia walked away. Merlia mind linked me "Sorry about him." She said. "It's okay. He is just being over protective." I said back.

Chres and I stood their awkwardly. But then Jordan and Ray came walking up. "What happened?" Ray asked.

"Jacob got mad because I kissed Daisy." Chresanto said, he looked slightly annoyed.

"Oh gosh." Ray said speeding off. I just looked at him run off with confusion written all over my face.

"Ohhhhh. Daisy and Chresanto sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then comes marrige then comes the baby in a baby carrige." Jordan said singing. I laughed at her, she always knows how to make me smile.

Then Craig came running up. "Chresanto. Jacob is angry. He's on a rampage." He said. "What?" I said, instantly worried.

"He doesn't know we are mates." Chresanto said. "Wait, you know we are mates?" I said surprised. I thought he didn't know. Why didn't he tell me?

"I've always known." He said smiling and then running off. By that time everyone was leaving because the party was over, so we weren't causing a scene. Jordan and I ran after him as fast as our heels could carry us.

Once we got out there I saw that everyone was in wolf form. Great.

The good thing is that our clothes stay intact so when we change back our cloths are still on us and look completly normal.

Jacob was snarling at Chresanto and pounced on him. It was like you could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"No!" I screamed and jumped into my wolf and launched myself at Jacob. I tackled him and got him off Chresanto.

I mind linked him "WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" I yelled.


"CHRESANTO IS MY MATE!" I yelled. Jacob's face softened. "Why didn't you tell me before I attacked him." He said." You didn't let me." I said.

Jacob ran off. I was going to run after him but I knew he needed to be alone. Merlia was about to run after him but stopped. She knew he wanted to be alone.

We all changed back into human form. "Wow, well this spiraled out of control." Rose said while looking at her feet.

"Definitely. I'm going home, I don't feel like dealing with this." I said, turning to walk away. This pretty much ruined my party.

"I'love come with you. I'm supposed to sleep over your house anyway." Jordan said following me.

"Let's go, Merlia. Bye Daisy." Chresanto said walking away. He just waved to me because he knew I was upset about Jacob.

"Can we come over later?" Rose said gesturing over to her and Merlia. I nodded.

"Bye guys. Daisy, everything will be fine. You know how much Jacob loves you." Ray said. He gave Jordan a quick kiss then turned into his wolf and ran in the direction of his house, Craig following him. After that, we all went our separate ways.

Once me and Jordan got back to my house, I noticed my dad wasn't home. Guess the meeting was still going. Once I said goodnight to my mom and explained why Jacob wasn't here, we went to my room.

As soon as we got in, Jordan shut the door behind us. "Go ahead. Cry." She said going to get me a tissue box so I could wipe away my mascara. I cried for a good 10 minutes, Jordan just let me sob. "Why don't you get in the shower." She suggested. I nodded and went to my bathroom.

I got out of the shower 20 minutes later and I put on some pajama shorts and a t-shirt. I went to my room to see that Rose and Merlia had come over.

"We brought ice cream and movies." Rose said holding out the DVD of Madea Goes To Jail, my favorite movie of all time. They know me too well!

That whole night we watched a bunch of comedy movies to get my mind off of Jacob. And we ate loads of ice cream. Being with my best friends made me feel better. I hope when Jacob gets back he will understand. Around 2 in the morning, we all fell asleep. Looks like Jacob isn't coming home anytime soon.

*Next Morning*

The girls were still asleep so I went downstairs to say good morning to my mom and dad.

As I was walking down the steps I heard my mom and dad talking.

"Mark, you know she will never go through with this. Why can't the Alpha's daughter do it? Daisy is only Beta's daughter." My mom said. I could tell she was mad.

"Well, Alpha's daughter already has a mate and her mate happens to be our son. We don't want him heart broken and we don't want a war to start between packs." My dad said sadily.

"But what if she already has a mate?" My mom asked. "Then a battle could possily start if we don't send her." My dad said back. What did he mean by send me? I have a mate! What are they talking about?

A/N: Heyo! Sorry if you think this short. I might write some more today. This is dedicated to Origamistars or Rin for being one of my first readers. Thank you so much!

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