My Time Is Almost Up?

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Daisy's P.O.V

Jacob woke up! I'm excited. But then it hit me. Now that Jacob is awake... My time is up in this pack and time is up this with... Chresanto.

Soon I will have to leave him. Leaving him is the hardest thing I will ever have to do.

Jacob looked a bit in pain but then I looked down at his hand, which I was holding, I was squezzing his hand too hard. I let go.

Chresanto and Merlia were standing in the doorway completly shocked.

Then I noticed how similar they looked. I know they are twins and everything but I never really thought they looked alike. Merlia had her hand over her mouth.

Of course I wanted Jacob to wake up but now that he is awake I have to leave him.

My dad walked into the room and saw Jacob and looked at me. "When am I going to have to leave?" I asked. Chresanto shot me a look. " Probably as early as next week." My dad said still in shock. I nodded.

I have to talk to Chresanto. I started to walk out of the room and grabbed Chresanto's hand we walked into the main waiting room in the hospital. "I'm not going to let you go." Chresanto said pulling me into a hug.

Just the smell of his scent made my inner wolf go crazy. In a good way though. "I know you won't, but I have to do what is right for the pack." I said on the verge of tears. "I have to do my duty as daughter of the Bet-" He cut me off.

"Runaway with me?" Chresanto said calmly. We were still hugging. I looked at him with a surprised look.

"But your next in line to be Alpha." I almost shouted. He just nodded. "But we just can't leave like that." I said still protesting.

"Just think about it." He said. " Now, I'm going to take Merlia home so she and I can get a good nights sleep. Just think. Okay?" He said and kissed me. Once we broke away I simply said, "Good luck with getting Merlia to leave." He walked back to the room Jacob was in. I just sat down in a chair.

He wanted me to runaway with him. Was I ready for this? I'm only 16.

Just as that thought came across my mind I heard someone screaming.

I looked up. It was only Merlia.

Chresanto had her over his shoulder and basically dragging her. "LET ME GO!!!" She said kicking him.

He was just laughing his head off. "PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW CHRESANTO AUGUST JASIC!!!!!!!!" She continued to yell and kick him.

Finally he hauled her out of the hospital. Haha wow that was funny.

Short Merlia P.O.V

This boy wants me to leave?! My brother who of all people know that I will not do something if I don't want to wants me to leave my mate in the hospital. Oh hell no!

Back to Daisy's P.O.V

I saw my mom and dad walk out of Jacob's room and come up to me.

"I'm going to take your mom home so she can sleep." My dad said.

"Mark, I told you. I am not leaving my baby here without anyone to be with him. So therefore, I am staying." My mom said.

"I'll stay here." I said. "See Daisy is going to stay here. Now let's go."

My dad said walking out of the hospital with my mom still protesting but walking with him.

I slipped out off my chair and walked into Jacob's room. He looked at me and I looked at him.

"So when did you find out?" He asked me. "The morning after my party." I said taking a seat.

"Oh, I know your upset and I know Chresanto is too." Jacob said. "He wants me to runaway with him before I have to leave." I said sighing.

"What am I supposed to do Jacob? I have to serve my pack but also I want to be with my mate. I need him." I said putting my face in my hands.

Jacob reached over and put his hand on my back.

"Daisy, look at me." He said and I looked up at him, my eyes filled with tears that threatened to fall. "Follow your heart. Promise me you will do what your heart tells you?" He said looking me right in the eyes.

That's how I knew he was serious and only wants the best for me. "I promise." I said.

"Now do you know what you have to do?" Jacob said. I nodded.

I knew what I had to do. I just had to figure out how to do it.

A/N: Heyo. I know. I suck for not updating but my labtop broke and now I'm on my mom's labtop. KK byeeeeeeee

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