I Need Time {7}

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Chresanto's P.O.V (SURPRISE!!!)

Jacob is still in the hospital. It's been three days since he had that brain seizure and almost died.

Daisy is devestated. Her beautiful eyes are red from crying. I hug her tightly to me whenever she cries.

I can feel that she is hurting inside. I want to make the pain go away because I love her.

I love Daisy. The idea of loving her comes so familiar to me. She is my mate and I will protect her at any cost.

I looked over at Daisy. She was waking up from a nap. "Hey beautiful." I said to her as she looked at me with a smile.

Wow! Her smile is beautiful... Everything about her is beautiful.

As she smiled I heard her father growl from the other side of the hospital room. He must not know yet.

Mostly everyone was still here. Everyone was still shocked and sad. Merlia was still crying her eyes out. It hurts me to see my sister like this. She doesn't deserve to be crying like this for this reason.

Mrs. Luther is still crying and is sitting next to Jacob just talking to him. I wish Jacob would wake up. He is my best friend and I miss talking to him. I miss hearing his laugh and seeing his smile.

*BEEP!* I heard my phone ring. I took it out of my pocket, seeing a text from my mom.

"Chresanto. I need you and your sister home. now."

Why does she need us home? I didn't question it considering with my mom, things are normally very serious.

I got up from my seat, but Daisy grabbed my arm and pulled me back into my seat.

"Where are you going?" She said confused.

"My mom just texted me and said she needed me and Merlia back hom now." I said sorrowfully.

I really didn't want to leave but since I'm next in line to be alpha I have to show responsibility to my pack and my parents to show I'm ready.

Daisy had a sadness in her eyes. " Okay, I'll miss you." She said. I kissed her cheek in reply.

I got up from my chair and walked across the room to where Merlia was sitting. This was going to be a hard task, getting her to leave the hospital.

She looked up at me as I sat down next to her. "Mom said she needs us home now." I said. She looked shocked.

"I'm not going anywhere." She said shaking her head.

"Please." I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Absolutely not, I can't leave him. Jacob needs me." Merlia said stubbornly.

"But your Alpha and Luna need you right now." I pointed out to her. Although we don't really refer to our mom and dad as Luna and Alpha, it's the only way I could possibly get her to come with me.

"Fine but as soon as we're finished I'm coming back here." She said getting up. I just nodded because I, most likely, would be coming back too.

I waved to Daisy and Mr. and Mrs. Luther as a one last goodbye. And Merlia and I walked out of the hospital.

"Do we have to run or did you drive?" She asked.

"Run." I responded. It probably would've made sense to drive.

We both took off running and jumped into our wolf forms immediately.

It felt so good to be in wolf form again. The ground underneath my paws felt amazing and extremely calming. We ran the familiar way back home.

We changed back into our human forms and walked into our house.

"MOM! DAD! WE'RE HOME!" I yelled into the house.

"WE'RE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" My dad yelled back.

So we went to the living room, only to be greeted not so pleasantly. My dad was standing and mom was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Sit." Dad said gesturing toward the couch.

Merlia and I looked at each other and Merlia mind linked me. "What did you do?"

She seriously thinks I did something! Unbelievable!

"I didn't do anything!" I messaged back.

We sat on the couch and dad stood in front of us. He didn't look angry so maybe we didn't do anything. But he's very good at hiding his emotions.

"I called you guys here today to tell you that Daisy, Mark's daughter, will be leaving the pack once her brother gets better. We are going to throw her a good-bye party so I need you guys to help me pl-"

I cut him off. "What do you mean leaving?!" I said shocked. This is not happening. Absolutely not.

"She is going to go marry the Red Sun Pack's Alpha's son. Since we can't send Merlia because she already has a mate. But next would be Beta's daughter. And Daisy is unmated." My dad said.

"SHE IS NOT UNMATED!" I yelled at him. Daisy is mine and no one will take her from me!

"Do not yell at me Chresanto!" my dad yelled at me using his Alpha voice so I calmed down a bit.

"She is my mate, Dad." I said through gritted teeth. My dad looked really shocked, I think it caught him off guard.

After thinking for a minute, my dad broke his silence.

"But we already made the agreement. I'm sorry but you are going to have to let her go." My dad said, not making eye contact.

Did he just tell me to let me mate go? SHE IS MY MATE! There is no way in hell I'm letting go of her!

"Leo! How could you say that?!" My mom said with a shocked voice. Finally, someone is on my side.

All my dad did was shake his head. I looked at Merlia, she didn't look shocked. Did she already know? I don't know how to deal with this. So I left.

I got up and started running out the back door. I felt myself shift into my wolf and I ran across the soft ground.

I don't know where I'm going but I don't care.

Then I heard Merlia's voice in my mind. "Chres, come back." She said.

I blocked her out. I need to get this anger out. I need to be alone.

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